photo source: unknown
Martin Richter… BCG?
Arthur Sutherland… No, Smallpox.
Mike Guy… Correct.
Allyson Breeds… Yep BCG.
Judith Monk… I have 4 of them, well travelled army brat…
Steve Reents… Yep
Barry Newton… Its the only tattoo I have
Leigh Wieland Boys… Mum had ours done on our thighs….these days it isn’t little!!!!
Marcus J Lamb-Bentley… Yes
Ricky Adelaide… Yep
Mick Burt… Yes
Glenn Piper… Oh yes
Paul Crimin… Yup
Peter Houghton… Yes
Elaine Stock… No, unfortunately, I paid the price and picked up the disease!
Stuart Moir… No
Oliver Leonard… Yes
Mick O’Dowd… I didn’t have to have one because my test was positive(?) so me and our family had to spend time visiting the then Eversfield Chest Hospital in St. Leonards as apparently I had been in contact with an infected person. There was no test & trace apps in those days.
Beki Milton… I remember but never had a scar
Renzi Lowend… Nope, I was immune…then was tested again when I joined the Ambulance Service (coz they didn’t believe me) same result, immune… Wonder why
Mike Guy… Probably because like me you’d been exposed to a mild form of TB, or got antibodies from Mum? I had same result & had to have a chest X-ray to check for lung scarring, I was lucky – no visible damage. People that show anger over this probably don’t know much about TB & the damage it used to cause here.
Andy Warren… Same. Tested positive. X ray. Think I may have had it as a baby?
Renzi Lowend… I never had Xrays
Terry Corder… Well so did I. Every 6 months ‘til I was 16 if I remember correctly.
Stuart Moir… I was immune never had it
Paul Huggett… Yes indeed. And, please note anti vaccination people. I never got sick, had my mind controlled or caught any of the deadly diseases it helped prevent…..
Robert Searle… No,didn’t have one, born with TB like thousands of other people at the time I was born.
Mike Waghorne… I had one but I can’t see it any more !
Nicola Dobson… I ran away at school so didnt have it..later in life I went to have it and was told I didnt need it