Beez Neez – Reception 1st July 1977 & Bonfire Oct 1977

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supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Mick O’Dowd… This is the Reception for Beez Neez in 1977 with one of the first line-ups containing the late Andy Leaney and Barry Upton. Lead singer Geoff Stevens and girls Julie Harris & Mandy Etherington.

Julie Findlay-Jones… hahaha car park 10p

Joaquim M P Filho… Is Barry Upton the same one who played with Brotherhood of Man?

Mick O’Dowd… Not as far as i’m aware. Over to you Barry Upton!

Barry Upton… I wish. On another note , why did they stop playing as a group ?

Mark Harris… I honestly can’t remember when we stopped playing, as for why, I think it was because we were all very young and struggled with commitment. Once Beez Neez finished, Split Image formed with some ex-Neez members, not me to start with, I left Neez because I had become self employed and was too busy. However, after a couple of years or so, I was approached to join Split Image as bass player (which was different because I was drummer in The Neez), which I did. At that time, I think the line up was Dave Miller, Steve Russell, Tony Dufton, Mick (drummer) and me. Being honest, between The Neez and Split Image, there were quite a few line up changes so it’s difficult to remember what happened and when!!

Dawn Leaney… Andy Leaney was my husband… but this is way before we were married. He often talked bout The Bees knees So nice to read this.

Kevin Burchett… My sister had them for her 21st birthday at Netherfield Village Hall many moons ago


Beez Neez – EF student dance – Hastings Pier 4th August 1978.





supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Mick O’Dowd… Beez Neez,Monday August 4th 1978 EF Student Dance Hastings Pier. These student gigs were quite lucrative mid-week business for bands and discos.

Alan Esdaile… Great gigs with EF Students. It was Bill Loveland that used to do all the bookings.

Kevin Burchett.. yes i remember bill loveland he booked the early part of the evenings in scalliwgs for the ef students and i think it may have been his son that helped him.

Mick O’Dowd… Believe it or not the attendance for this gig was just over 600.

Mark Harris… Feels like yesterday!!

Jeanette Steve Jones… It was Yesterday

Edward Adams… yeah 28 years ago

Pete Prescott… What was the line up

Mark Harris… Pete, me for starters!

Mick O’Dowd… Mark Harris, David Fussell, Jackie Hazell, Teresa (?), I’m struggling now. C’mon Mark, you got the chronicles I gave you with the vital info in.

David Fussell… Great to see those photographs brings so many memories back. How long have I been on the road now oh 45 years.

Mark Harris…L to R: Julie Harris, Jeff Stevens, David Fussell, Mark Harris (me!), Keith Jenner, Barry Upton, Jackie Hazel, Melanie Ethrington. (Julie Harris of course became Richardson and now Bowles!)

Beez Neez – Ad, Pebbles Club, Mick O’Dowd and Warrior Hotel 1977







ad & photos supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Warrior Hotel around 1977 supplied by Mark Harris & Dave Miller

Mick O’Dowd… More unseen Beez Neez just unearthed in a Time Team dig! Ad was posted in Hastings Observer in about July 1977. Managed to sneak me in as well(Jackie Hazell is to my right so it’s still Beez Neez) with hair!

Tony court-holmes… did we really dress like that

Janine Anne Scott… Judith Clarke, I do declare

Mick O’Dowd… Dead right Janine. Where is she now? Do I spy Hat Trick poster on wall in on-stage pic?

Mark Harris… Love all these old photos!

Mick O’Dowd… I’m a little teapot. Here’s my spout….. Any idea who the guy is in the background Mark? He’s seems familiar.

Mark Harris… Graham Parks (good mate of Chris Pook)

Beez Neez – Pebbles Nightclub Winchelsea Beach 1977 & Ashford Stour Centre 1978





photos supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Ashford Stour Centre 1978 supplied by Martin Prior

Mick O’Dowd… Unseen pics of Beez Neez at Pebbles Nightclub Winchelsea Bech. This gig really highlighted the problems of managing a band with a young personnel, especially if one of the members of the band had a policeman for a dad. Having heard all bad things about Pebbles he refused to allow his daughter to perform. Luckily we had a reliable sub in the form of Julie Shaw who was a very good performer but didn’t want a regular commitment to the band. She stood in and gave a good performance. This gig also saw Keith Jenner make his debut appearance. As you can see Mark Harris is sitting at the back as usual.

Mark Harris… I was only 12!

Mick O’Dowd…There was a video taken at The Stour Centre . I lent it to Tereasa and never saw it again. I believe Mark Harris knows her whereabouts now. Could you ask her to return it please.

February Frolics – 558 Entertainments – Footloose, Loggerhead, Beez Neez, Priway Music Road Show, The Piranhas, The Teenbeats, Centre Page. The Carlisle 1979

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supplied by Mick Mepham                cutting supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Tim Bruce….I went to the Footloose gig. Loggerhead if I recall were a prog type band playing their own material.

Mick O’Dowd… Here’s on of my gigs from 1979. Footloose were a very good band in the Thin Lizzy mould if I remember rightly. I know the drummer was called Will but I don’t remember any other names. Can anybody help with names/pics? The following night Will actually played drums for Beez Neez because Mark Harris (now a Likely Lad)( He was then as well!) got held up and couldn’t get to the gig. Will did an excellent job. What can you say about the Piranhas/Teenbeats gig. Then there was those stalwarts of the local music scene Centre Page whose line-up over the years reads like a whos-who of local talent!

Peter Millington… There’s a job for you Mick – create a family tree of who’s played in Suspect/Centre Page over the 50+ years they’ve been entertaining the locals and the not so locals.  Group family trees are a complicated business – I’ve just finished one for myself which goes from the CONFEDERATES – SPYKE i – SUSPECT – SPYKE II – JINKS I – EVOLUTION – JINKS II with all the members comings and goings. Not very adventurous with names were we? 53 years non-stop so no complaints!

Iain Cobby… Yes, I was the bassist in Footloose. Will on Drums (cant remember his surname) Brian Setchfield on vox, Guitars were Tony (Vic) Bridger RIP and Harry Randall. Good times were had with a mixture of covers and our own stuff. We did record one with two Saxon covers. I think we went on stage to Widors toccata in F. Such pomp!

Dave Nattress… I still see Brian Setchfield quite often along Cooden Sea-front. He walking his dog, me walking mine, and we often walk along chatting about all those old times, bands and characters. Brian was in Boulder a parallel universe to Damaris and they morphed into Footloose. Mick Kemp and Tony Barraclough played in both bands. Boulder actually earned money doing weekend gigs. Really glad you’ve “signed up” Iain – catch you soon. Loggerhead’s bassist was Steve Watson who later joined up with Mick Bridgeland, Andy Leaney, (RIP), and me in The Charts. Mick, Andy and I had been in The Prisoners for a year or two with Robin Heggie. Robin joined the Hollywood Killers and I think it was then actually Steve Watson joined us.

Mike Mitchell… I remember that gig: The Piranhas and The Teenbeats…a great night. And I found a silver Parker biro on the benches too.

Colin Fox… I like THE GENTLEMEN OF POP under Centre Page.

Mick O’Dowd… Will from Footloose took over the drumkit from Mark at this one. It’s ok Mark Harris, he was still sitting at the back!

Mark Harris… I think you might be right Mick about Will deputising.

Chris Pook… Think that was the only gig you missed Mark. Agree Mick, Footloose were a great band – Dave Neal included!!

Ernest Ballard… Piranhas Great Band


Beez Neez – Hastings Pier September 1977

Mark Harris… Love it!! Seems like a lifetime ago!

Dave Blundell… My friend Chris Downtown was in Beez Neez but was that after this era? . .

Lance Collins… A long time ago !!!!!!

poster supplied by Lance Collins

Mick O’Dowd… Remember it well. Trouble with Melanie was that her dad was a policeman and he wouldn’t let her play a places he deemed as “undesirable”! That’s rock’n’Roll!

Lance Collins… Most of the places I DJ at in those days fitted that description 😂😂😂. But it payed the rent. Music venues nowadays are much improved.

Mick O’Dowd getting in early (Sept 1977) to get the Christmas gigs booked up.

Mick O’Dowd… Yes, Chris did join at a later date. This was an early line-up.