Scalliwags Doormen & Staff – 1970’s



all photos supplied by Kevin Burchett.

Mick Fellowes, Richard “Lenny” Leonard, Arthur Freeman, Big Baz and Steve Christmas


Kevin Burchett….hi everybody im looking for pictures to make a video with the old scalliwags song they played at the end of the evening. if you went to scalliwags in the 70s and have any pictures of scalliwags days or maybe a picture of you in the 70s which you would like to be included please send to me on facebook with your name thanks KEVIN

Joe Knight…..”good days!! down stairs!!! :-)”

Henry Mann…..Knew Baz for years up the New Broom & Lenny, great bloke.


Kevin Burchett…..Mr and Mrs Brian Reade the owners of the regent holiday centre where scallywags was and Derek and Brian Reade jnr the owners of scalliwags along with there sister madeline i havent got any pics of madeline yet. Third photo some of the management & staff from back left Donna Hopper, Madeline Reade the next 2 we are not sure about back right terry hopper front left dont know. then Derek Reade.

Philip Meston…..Some familiar faces there! I remember Richard, he lived up the road from me.

Redstar Richter… Lenny Leonard & Basil Smith? those were the days 🙂