Billy Connolly Extravaganza 1977 – White Rock Pavilion Hastings 6th May 1977

Pete Houghton… What a great night that was

Sandie Carlyon… It certainly was.

Chris Meachen… I went backstage to meet him afterwards, & was carrying my crash helmet. First thing he said to me was “Is that your BSA outside?” Such a great bloke, & as funny in person as on stage..

Peter Fairless… Laughed so much it hurt for several days!

Julie Munday… Love him. He still has his humour now. Terrific guy

Tony Court-holmes… had a drink with him in Toffs Club in Queens Road or was it still called The Astral it was a long time ago

Billy Connolly – White Rock Pavilion 8th October 1980

Jan Warren… LOVE Billy Connolly, my all-time favourite comedian, saw him “live” in London in the 1980s!

Jill Lawrence… I went to that show !!; Love the guy x

Sandie Carlyon… Saw it. He was brilliant

Ian Quinnell… Brilliant show. Loved every minute of it

Peter Houghton… I went to the show and after the show got to meet Billy and he signed my album

Coco Pops… Met him and Pamela Stephenson in a Coffee Bar in Greenwich Village NYC in about 1991. Chatted for about 20 mins.

Neil Cartwright… Opening lines, commenting on the White Rock decor, were something like ‘It’s like walking into a birthday cake …’ A superb evening.

Phil Gill… I was there. I’m still laughing about Mike Smith and the helicopter.

Chris Meachen… I took my mum.. Favourite bit was “do I detect a wee fartie”

Peter Fairless… I was there, we laughed so much our sides still hurt the next day!