Cassette tape happy birthday (3rd Sept 2023) from Boom Radio

(pic: Royal Philips) shared from:

Boom Radio…Happy birthday to the cassette tape! 60 years ago this week, Philips introduced its first compact cassette recorder at the Funkausstellung (Radio Exhibition) in Berlin. C60s, C90s, C120s. Did you get the expensive ones or the cheapos? What did you record?

Merv Kennard… I had a Philips used it to play jingles when djing.

Roy Winchester… Great invention loved it we would not have things today without it.

Ken Hatch… My mate had the Philips and I had the ITT KB ….had great fun making compilations and recording “Alan Freeman Saturday show” and “pick of the pops”

David Fussell… It must be the longest running recording format.

Chris Meachen… I had that exact model…

John Wilde…

Alan Esdaile… Probably wrong but not I Am The Tadpole John?

Kev Towner… C30, C60, C90 Go!!!

Paul Crimin… My Dad had one of those!

Mick O’Dowd… Where would we have been without this for recording the Top 20 shows and stopping & starting it to edit out the DJ!

Mark Randall… Me – Xmas morning ‘71

P J Proby celebrates his 80th birthday and looks forward to more gigs in 2019

supplied by Ron Tennant

Ron Tennant… I am probably the  most tip top fan & friend of singer P.J.Proby. In the 1990’s I was his sort of manager, which I did as a favour. But after about 4 years P.J. found himself ,at last,a professional manager & I was pleased. 25 years ago he quit “boozing” & that has made his career go on & on & on, November 6th recently he was 80! WOW! I have the world’s best Proby collection & I’ve been featured in a few magazines & newspapers over the years. P.J. recently said that he has no intention of ever retiring & he’s bursting to get lots & lots of gigs in 2019. My photo collection of P.J. numbers about 7000 & plenty of the U.K. music magazines request pics from me to add to their occassional Proby articles. I’ll see if I have any photos or articles that connect P.J. to the Hastings area. A pic is enclosed of P.J. very recently celebrating his 80th birthday up in Newcastle. He was up north as part of the “60’s Gold” tour. He has been absolutely brilliant onstage. Only three more dates to go…..Nov. 28th in Brum, 30th in Manchester & the final one on the 2nd December in Carlisle. Brummie Ron Tennant (who has lived in Belgium for 40 years.)                                          

Joe Knight… Hope he doesn’t split his trousers again

Mick O’Dowd… Perhaps we ought to club together and get him a new pair of non-split trousers!

Jan Walker… I remember seeing him on the pier.

Pete Prescott… I read that he sang on a lot of demos that were sent to Elvis. which is why they sound similar. Elvis learned the song from his vocal.

Colin Fox… We, ‘Spooks’, supported him way back in the 1960’s at the White Hall East Grinstead. I think he could make a major comeback if he split his trousers today.

Mike Fyfe… My wife worked in EMI records in Manchester in the early sixties. PJ visited one day with his arm in a sling said a dog bit him. Billy cotton junr had a black eye round about the same time was it a bully dog that he hit. We love PJ Proby whenever he is in Inverness or Perth, go and see him better than Tom Jones.

Leigh Wieland-Boys… I would love to see PJP! My favourite is “Can’t make it Alone’ I have it downloaded & play it at least once a week – such a brilliant track

Alan King’s 60th Birthday – Filo – Thursday 7th September 2017

Alan King says…

Despite my obit recently being published in a few place, the rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated and have got a gig at the FILO in Hastings on Thurs 7th September (my 60th birthday) and am putting the band back together for it – Tony Reeves (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, Colosseum, Curved Air, Greenslade) will be playing bass, Bobby Valentino playing the fiddle, Les Morgan drums and ROGER HUBBARD will also be playing, anyone wanting to come and sit in – then let me know, hopefully something will be happening from 6 ish til 11. drinks from 6 – band set up about 8, play from before 9 to just after 11. Above is a link to a bit of the full band (dunno if they ALL can make it but most will)
The following Thursday, 14th Sept at The Nelson, Roger Hubbard will be playing from around 8:30 ish
Both FREE entry

Adam Ant – Happy 60th Adam. born 3rd Nov 1954


from Adam Ant Facebook page via Matt Thomas

Redstar Richter… a new royal family, a wild nobility, we are family….?  bless you stuart 🙂

Kev Towner… I dreamt I was a spastic and my boots were clean” (Cartrouble Pt. 1 – from Dirk Wears White Sox). Fab album!!

Peter Fairless… He was pretty sharp on’t telly, tonight!

Mark Gilham… What a legend


John Lennon – 9th Oct – 74th Anniversary of his birth.

Thanks to Jon McCallion for finding this.


supplied by

Alan Esdaile….whats your favourite John Lennon track?

FlameHaired Man Doyle… Same As my sisters 🙂 Imagine jealous guy ask my dad he knows more and more fan than me lol 🙂

Matt Thomas… Woman

John Wilde… Working Class Hero

Jim Breeds… Mother

Phil Thornton… Happy birthday JL

Dave Miller… Currertly, the acoustic demo version of Strawberry Fields –

John Kingdon… There will never be anyone to match him. God bless John, you will never be forgotten.

John Wilde… Just listened to Revolution. John on it!  Gimme some Truth. Brilliant.

John Storer… Can’t decide between “Instant Karma” and “Cold Turkey” …. both brilliant tracks

Jon McCallion… Some of his old stuff is pretty good like I am a loser, any time at all, nowhere man, etc etc etc etc etc

Yvonne Cleland… Cold Turkey.