Paul Edmonds, Chris Meachen, Paul Waite, Les Norman, Min

Gerry Fortsch… I was friendly with min and then lost contact, can someone tell me what happened to him please?
Glenn Piper… Sorry Gerry, but Min died several years ago now, heart attack I think
Gerry Fortsch… I remember he enjoyed life a lot, as did many of us at the time, thank you.
Martin Richter… simon medhurst ?
Harry Randall… Is that Min on the Clarinet? Went onto Sax?
Chris Baker… Min always played both Sax and Clarinet AFAIK. He was an excellent gold and silversmith too. Loved him.
Peter Norman… Never seen this before but that could be my brother Les Norman in that photo…? I know he played the guitar back then, next time i see him i’ll ask! 🙁 Sadly he’s not on facebook.., 🙁 I believe he also played in a group called “SUS” or something like that!
Alan Esdaile… t must be him Peter, as it says he was in Suss in the write up, underneath the photo. It would be great if you could get some comments from him about the group.
Pete Fisher… On seeing this I thought that guy on the drums looks familiar…nestling among my photos of Pueblo (taken by Chris Meachen), the photo I’m posting below has puzzled me for decades, as I couldn’t remember who it was. It must be around ’73/’74, but I only vaguely remember we might have experimented briefly with having two drummers, and I guess it was Paul Waite. Maybe Bernard Jeffery, Roger Carey or Phil Gill could fill in more details…

Bernard Goffredo… Yes I remember doing a gig at the college and we experimented with two drummers, and definitely was Paul on the other kit
Chris Meachen… Ye gods, I’d completely forgotten about this.. Used to bump into Les in record shops a few years ago, but not seen him in ages.. (nor anyone else in these pics..). Yes, one of my pictures, but further details completely escape me.. If I manage to find that sequence of negatives I might be able to add some context…
Phil Gill… Paul Edmonds on the far left. Pete, we played a couple of times in the college basement, where the band was you and me on guitar, Roger Carey, and two drummers, Paul Waite and Bernie Jeffries. No idea what we called the band.
Jan Warren… I remember Min, nice guy
Sam Davies… you know I’ve never heard of this particular band so this is fascinating! Does anyone know if there are any recordings of Planets? It’d be great to hear my old man playing some clarinet. Also, where was this studio? I don’t recognise it.
Chris Meachen… no recordings, I regret, but the studio was actually your grandfather’s, & was upstairs in a building next door to St Clements Church Hall in Croft Road..
Jan Warren… I lived in Queens Road and Middle Street in the early 70s and I remember Min, he was a friend, bless him
Chris Meachen… Weirdly, I bumped into Les Norman yesterday evening, doing his Aldi shopping.. Can’t have seen him for a good 20 years, so a nice surprise..
Stephen Fletcher… The other guy in photo is Paul Edmunds you didn’t mention him
Chris Meachen… Haven’t seen Paul Edmunds since the late 1970’s when we worked together at Arbuthnot House.. He changed his surname to his dad’s, – Wojciechowska, (pronounced ‘voy-ge-hoff-ski). Always regret losing touch with him & many other mates…
Stephen Fletcher… Anyone know if Paul Edmunds is still around or if he moved away?
Cherry Longley… I used to go out with Paul Edmunds, Sus was the group he formed with Paul Waite, Les Norman another near neighbour of Paul’s who lived around the corner, younger guy can’t recall his name, and sometimes Chris Beaumont used to play keyboards. They used to jam in his music room at his parents bungalow in Park View. Happy times, lots of gigs and trips to all over to see Hawkwind, Pink Fairies, etc etc. Cherry xx
Paul Edmonds… Only three years plus late responding but forgiven as only just come across this posting and site, however, must have seen the site before as note I made at least one comment on a post before. Hi Cherry, think we last spoke in 1970 something, amazing to see your name in print and read your comments. Just to put the record right it’s Edmonds with a “o”, not with a “u” and once Chris M., I aka Wojciechowski, not ending with “a” which I believe is used for females of the name, but Chris incredible you nearly got the name right and how to pronounce it, impressed!! Was great reading through all above comments from names I recall so well. Would be fun to meet up with all who know me for a social before it’s too late!!! Food for thought. I will try and locate a Chris Beaumont taken picture of the incredible SUS and post it, unfortunately Cherry, without that youngster, basist Jim Kidman, who was not around that day!! Finally, although lots more to say really, I was never in Planets just around holding a spare skull and got pulled into the shot!! Love and peace !!!