supplied by Cliff Wootton
Featuring Dave Garland, Den Wootton and Cliff Wootton.
Andy Qunta… I remember Butch! Great band! Lovely fellas!
Geoff Peckham… Me too! I don’t recall seeing them, but Dave Garland became a dedicated Factory roadie. (One or two stories there, Andy!?)
Andy Qunta… yes indeed, Dave was Factory’s roadie for quite a while! What a character he was too!
Cliff Wootton… Happy days
Lucy Pappas… That’s the Den and Cliff I remember! Rehearsing in your garage, playing at youth club. Maybe a couple of years before this pic. The beginning of my illustrious career! xx
Dave Nattress… One or two stories Geoff – tell us more. Nothing along the lines of the lurid Led zeppelin Mud-shark story I trust!!!
Geoff Peckham… The once I’m thinking of aren’t for these pages, Dave, believe me!
Alan Esdaile… Probably better to discuss at a SMART coffee meet, Geoff.
Judie Struys… Just tell my brother that I was not the only person in the world who called Motown “Tamla”. It was common pratice in Hastings in the 1970s. He always laughs at me when I say it. So there, David Cash
Glenn Piper… Anyone know where Dave Garland is now?
Andy Qunta… I believe Tony Qunta was in touch with him a couple of years ago. Maybe he knows?
Lucy Pappas… You’re right, Julie, it was always Tamla!
Glenn Piper… Anyone know where Dave Garland is now?
Tony Qunta… Hi Glenn, unfortunately haven’t seen Dave for a few years now. I think the last time I saw him was at Will Thompson’s party. I was in touch with him around the time Factory was about to do the gig at The Carlisle. He was going to be the sound engineer on the gig but it never happened in the end.