Bexhill Hop 1980’s photos Part 4 of 5

supplied by Pete Prescott

Stuart Moir… Practice afternoon at the Bexhill club .Dave (Beano) Easton, one of the best front men alongside Pete Prescott on the band circuit .

Chris Howard… Totally Agree Stuart forever in my thoughts

Dean Clarke… Used to go to them with my parents

Joe Knight… Nice photos Pete

Heather Sidery… Good to see. I miss rehearsals. Long covid has knocked me down, but hope hope to get another band together before I’m 80

Lysander – Aquarius 18th March 1972



photo supplied by Hastings groups from 1958 to present.

L-R Back Row = Roy Sanderson, Tony Kenward, Rev Stockdale, L-R Front Row = Colin Fox, Pete Shaw, Ray Harper.

Robert Searle….A really good group.great vocals, Good material. Had the pleasure of playing with Colin Fox,Rev Stockdale and Pete Shaw. Tony Kenward has announced his retirement from group activities.

Terry Pack….I had the pleasure of playing with four of these guys: Tony, Rev, Colin Fox and Pete Shaw,during the 80s (and 90s in Pete’s case).

Pete Prescott….Pete looks like john bonham.petes a very good player.very that steve gadd thing down so well.i only played with rev in the jims a couple of times.and colin in the harry r’s.

Phil Thornton….agreed Pete looks like John Bonham and plays like Steve Gadd – haha ! great player and top bloke !

Dave Nattress… Roy Sanderson worked with a bunch of my old mates and we used to go and see him in The Road back then. I ended up buying my second car from Roy and his Wife back in about 1971 – a light Green Ford Anglia – 997 cc – £140.00. It was the old Anglia that I put my first cassette player in – sounded pretty poor I guess but with Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple Made in Japan blasting away – no prob. Did me well for a year or more till I could afford my Ford Cortina Mk 2, 1600E. Absolute dogs wotsits that was!!

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Hey Gringo… Pete!  The hair?? The moustache?? What a great photo!

Andy Qunta… Great hair, Pete.

Jan Warren… We all had great hair in the 60s and 70s, thankfully I still have mine, I just can’t bear to cut it, its part of me and my history, and I will always love guys with long hair, hard to find these days ……… think hippy/bikers!!! – yeahhhh man!! 

Pete Shaw… Hi fans! Haha, that photo was actually taken on the steps outside EMI after we had recorded “Funny Little Things” and b sided it with “Rejoice” all for Polydor with Tony Rivers producing it…! Great guys, great hair, great fun…and for the record (!) we were named “Performance” ! Harmony Hairspray anyone???

Robert Searle… Love the photo love the group and still got my copy of the single.

The Marty Wilde Show – De La Warr Pavilion Bexhill 28th January 1960 supplied by Colin Fox

Colin Fox…I just found this. The concert was on the 28 January 1960 at Bexhill (De La Warr Pavilion). I’m surprised it didn’t include a photo of Joe Brown.

Alan Parker… Joe Brown backed everyone, even Eddie Cochran when he toured here

Alan Esdaile… Jezebel was one of my favourite Marty Wilde tracks.

Performance & Lysander – photo & single funny little things 1973



 Andre Palfrey-martin collection                  supplied by Colin Fox

Pete Shaw…. line up… Pete Shaw Ray Harper Roy Sanderson Tony Kenward Colin Fox

Andre Martin…..just found this photo with Roy breaking in to a smile

Terry Pack…..Is that Peter James Shaw behind Ray?

Colin Fox…..Sure is!

Pete Shaw……Roy Sanderson and I had part time work as bookends…! And who is wearing harmony hairspray! Jesuz, the dressing room fug!!

Phil Gill…..Nice bell-end on your sleeve there

Pete Shaw…..Trendy huh Phil…you must’ve reached 8 years old when I bought my trendy apparel….and “bell end” certainly fitted the bill!!

Jane Hartley….That’s how I remember Pete Shaw!

Alan Esdaile…… Confusingly another band called ‘Performance signed to Polydor in 2005.

Colin Fox…..Tony Rivers was producing the record and came out of the control room eating an apple and said, “I think we need another harmony on that line”. He proceeded to sing the harmony while still eating his apple.

Robert Searle Got my copy. Great picture Colin


is this photo Performance or Lysander?

Peter Millington… I thought this was Lysander – Performance seems to have passed me by. How long did they last and do you remember the dates of Performance and Lysander’s existance?

Jane Hartley… Performance were still going in 75 if I remember correctly!

Pete Shaw… If my memory serves me correctly, Polydor records identified “Lysander” as a previously used band identifier so “Performance” was deemed acceptable…studio time was great as the “A” side was band vocals but session musicians whereas the “B” side was truly us.”Why?” you may ask, but the studio was incredibly busy with Micky Most stuff and I even was given a “White” copy of a brand new Hollies Album at the time! Several well known disc jockeys floating around and even my then girlfriend Janet Tamplin (from Westerham) made a visit to the studio! Pop stars huh!!!  I even drank ginger beer!!!

Colin Fox… I would trust what Peter Shaw says, his memory is better than mine. The photo on the stairs, (which I thought was Lyzander), must have been very close to when we changed our name to Performance.

David Smith… Dont forget my lap steel with wah-wah on the ‘B’side Pete & the scream at the end when you stood on my hair! 😉

Robert Searle… Rejoice.


St Johns Wood – 1969/1970

St. Johns Wood

supplied by Colin Fox

L to R: Ray Harper, Colin Pierce, Dave Shaw, Robin Sargent, Colin Fox and Rod Pittam sitting below.

Robert Searle….Nice one Colin

Andre Martin….Found this from my Hastings Pier Files


Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Peter Millington…..I make the date as being 7th February 1970

Rob Sargent… I remember the photo session, on the beach just below the Wish Tower. Hope you’re all still rocking and enjoying it as much as I am.

Lynne Norris… I found this site accidentally and it triggered many memories of my teenage years and some really good music. I remember The Spooks and 4-Bidden well when they played upstairs at Club Continental. As a 16-year old, I absolutely adored Dave Shaw and I was beside myself when we moved to Burrow Down and Dave Shaw and his family lived just over the road from us at Den Hill.  Dave had this big old tank of a car and he would give me a lift sometimes.  I am pleased that he kept on rocking and am I sad to hear that he has passed away.

Anyone recognise this lady from the Thomas Cook Advert in the 1980’s? asks Colin Fox

Colin Fox… I wonder how many people recognise this young lady in the Thomas Cook advert of the 1980s. She’s is/was from Hastings and went out with a guitrist who lived there.

Stuart Moir… from the Harry R and the jump jets days, “Kathy”

Pete Prescott…She’s an amazing dancer. All the girls were lovely. You guys did a fantastic job on backing vocals. I was bloody useless at those then (not that I’m much better at it now!) Wouldn’t it be great to go back and do it all again

Colin Fox… Pete, I always had great respect for your vocals Pete, every note spot on, and as Tom Jones would say “I like the tone of your voice”. I believed you had a voice that would have gone down well in the US.

Stuart Moir… Pete, It would be so nice to see all the people who are still around and able to perform, obviously all the lead vocals would down to you, Colin and Chris are still active on fb so they would still be good for BVs, I wonder how many of the girls are still dancing at their various homes with their grand children he he , I hold such lovely memories of our days with HarryR as I’m sure you do, I’m in touch with Pete Shaw regularly as we share a passion for Porsche but not so much Ray as he is the other side of the Thames border and I’m not sure if he’s a fan of Facebook but I’m sure he’s still making his guitars sing as they used to down South, I know Phil is still on the band scene but playing a brilliant lead guitar rather than the bass as he was in the band, anyway I’m glad your still active and performing well as per the Beach Concert blues brothers set, look forward to catching up face to face .

Steven Singleton… Kate Moss ?

Colin Fox… She’s also in this photo that I took at the Conservative club Bexhill in the 1980s, on the far left.

photo: Colin Fox 

Stuart Moir… That photo was taken at the Bexhill club at one of the rehearsals. They were our dancers at the Harry R and the jump jets concert at the De la warr pavillion . We were only talking about the gig we all did together, Colin, Chris and me on backing vocals, Pete Shaw on drums Phil Gill on bass guitar Ray Fenwick on lead and I think Revie Stockdale played keys for that one, lead vocals were Dave Easton and Peter Prescott, a brilliant band that we could have sold anywhere .

Colin Fox… Private party, Herstmonceux Castle

photo: Colin Fox 

Pete Prescott… Good Times

Chris Howard… The beautiful Kathy.

Lyn Humphrey… Kathy Collins went to Bexhill Downs Secondary School in the mid/late ’60s. She was also in an episode of ‘Doctor in the House’, in 1970, when (in the programme) she thought she’d become engaged to the show’s star, Barry Evans.

Paul Coleman… The girl in the pic i believe came from Bexhill but may have moved to Hastings. I saw her many times in Bexhill & I think her name was Cathy Collins. I could be wrong but I thought she went to school in Bexhill?

Stuart Moir… Kathy with a K was her name she was a Bexill girl initially married to a local accountant whos name escapes me .

George Turner… Bexhill’s very own superstar. I believe Kathy kept the surname of Day from her first marriage. I used to attend aerobic dancing lessons with her at the Continental Club. I believe she was part of the Second Generation dancing group. Ray Fenwick was her significant other. I’m old now so my memory sometimes writes it’s own script.

Ricky Adelaide… Yep then Kate Day back in the White Hart Catsfield days…met at an airport couple of years ago in Spain! She spends time there now

Chris Howard… Kathy was lead dancer when we played at The Hops in Bexhill in the eighties.