All Niter with Edgar Broughton – Hastings Pier 26th June 1970

edgar broughton all niter


Andy Qunta….I remember going to this one. Was a big Edgar Broughton fan back then. Loved their Wasa Wasa album.

Alan Esdaile …..I’m pretty sure I went to this and think I saw Edgar Broughton Band 3 times on the pier. I don’t remember Sarah Gordan’s House of Bondage but I expect I was tied to the bar when they were on.

Tony Court-holmes…remember it well, nice pun alan

Mick Knights….The question is, should they have allowed the demons in, in the first place!

Alan Esdaile…. out demons out

Henry Mann…..Never saw them but once had a round of golf with Steve Broughton and Tom Newman.

Mark Sims…..Out Demons Out. That was one of Edgar Broughton’s song as I remember.

Mick O’Dowd……Who or what was Sarah Gordon’s House of Bondage? Sounds intriguing!

Paul Sleet... was at this one. Sarah Gordon in sexy dominatrix gear!

Geoff Peckham… I was certainly there. I seem to remember Edgar Broughton turned up late (takes some doing for an all niter, doesn’t it!). He explained that when they were crossing the Thames they saw someone threatening to jump off the bridge, so he stopped and managed to persuade him not to…I’m sure that’s what he said! Thanks, Alan. So I must have seen Blonde on Blonde there then.

Andy Qunta… I kind of remember he was late, but I don’t remember the story of why! Wow! Hard to argue with an excuse like that! Much better than the usual “dog ate my homework” stuff!

Steve Maxted… good to be reminded of those great all nighters that I was DJ at, thanks Alan.

Henry Mann… Played golf with Steve Broughton about seventeen years later.

Terry Hardwick… Another band I supported at Kingston Polytechnic also Van Der Graaf Generator

Kev Potts… Steve Maxted was the best DJ. Hi Steve i am 65 now i remember when i was about 18 at the Aquarius night club Thursday Nights good old days. Beer drinking, eggs with the shell on and those bloody thunder flashes.

Steve Maxted… yes haha

Tony Court-holmes… i was there

Cupids Inspiration – Aquarius Club Hastings 11th Dec 1971



Chris van Rock… Was that the club above that arcade …. George’s ?

Peter Fairless… Yes, Chris, later called Saturday’s

Kevin Burchett… was my regular haunt then and i was there at Hot Chocolate, don’t remember much about it though pissed lol

Cupids Inspiration – YMCA Hastings – 23rd Sept 1970

supplied by Sarah Harvey

Andre Martin… That was a good show for so many reasons ????

Alan Esdaile… I heard the dj was pretty good that night.

Andre Martin… Sensational would be the best description !!

Mick O’Dowd… Whatever happened to Marshall Scott?

Andre Martin… Retired and lives his life remembering the past ! lol