Split Image – promo photo 1983

Supplied by Dave Miller

Steve Watson, Steve Russell, Dave Miller, Tony Dufton and Mick Kemp

Andre Martin… Gosh that brings back memories.

Mark Harris… where am i?

Dave Nattress… Great to see some old mates again! I didn’t know Steve Russell or Dave Miller, but Mick Kemp was our drummer in Damaris and drummed in Boulder also at the time, Steve Watson, (Loggerhead) but then in The Charts with Andy Leaney, (RIP old friend), Mick Bridgland and myself. We had Tony Dufton play with us a few times – he had a brand new Les Paul Custom at one time and maybe a re-issue Gold Top – memory’s a bit shaky, but he didn’t stay with us. Then we had Lee Sulsh come in with Andy giving us 2 guitars but Andy left, (can’t recall why – moving on to bigger things I think, as there was no fall-out between us all), leaving Lee, Mick Bridgland, Steve Watson and me. We did some good demo’s at Tony Bird’s Wing Studio in Ninfield and Steve Watson’s bass was well up in the mix and Lee could certainly handle lead guitar – Yamaha SG2000 I think. Lee did a great solo on “Since you went away” – our attempt at power-pop. Eventually we went on Hiatus and never got back together! Anyone have contact details for Steve Watson. Mick Kemp and Tony Dufton?

Mark Harris… Tony very sadly passed away many years ago.

Dave Weeks… Tony Dufton. Another one taken far too early.

Dave Nattress… Thanks Mark for confirming, I had actually heard something like this a long time ago, but was unsure if it was true. I first knew Tony when he worked in Hollingsworths, Ford Dealers, Bexhill, a very long time ago.

Mark Harris… He certainly did, loved his mk 3 Cortina!!

Terry Pack… I’m sorry to read this. Tony was a very nice man.

Minotaur – 1978




supplied by Phil Thornton & David Miller

MINOTAUR – 1978 Dave Miller- Vocals guitar, Glen Baker – Guitar, Andy Ebsworth – Drums, Ric Luther Smith – Bass, and Phil Thornton – Keyboards. The live photo is from The Victoria Palace Theatre, London Feb 19th. 1978



 photos supplied by Dave Miller

Alan Esdaile… Dave auditions for The Walking Dead, a few years too early.

Yvonne Cleland… Phil looks like Charles the 1st!

Dave Miller… The walking poseur, more likely….what a bunch. Phil’s mum made that jacket for him, I’ll have you know…

John Wilde… and trousers to match or was that a vicious rumour?

Del Buck… I loved Minotaur – I think I still have a cassette that Dave gave me somewhere. In fact I was in a band with Dave at school – he was something special even then. Love to you man, wherever you are.

Dave Miller… Del Buck, a fine man, an exceptional guitarist and an all-round very good guy.

Mavy Jones… Does anyone know how I can get in touch with Ric Luther-Smith???

Terry Pack… When RJG, the leader of the band I was playing with in 1978, heard Philip, he was miffed that I hadn’t recommended him to his band. When he asked me why I hadn’t, I replied ‘Because he’s a friend.’ It didn’t go down too well.

David Miller… Ouch – I’ll bet that didn’t… Can’t see that being a good fit neither. Re the introduction – yes, and for far more too…

Expandis – Dungeons and Dragons


supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Mick O’Dowd… Here’s another one for Expandis people. Probably recorded at The Expandibubble in Bexhill. Not sure wether it saw the light of day but i’m sure John Alexander Wilde can put us right.

John Wilde… Yes Mick this was a project that Phil and David were involved in. It eventualy made it to vinyl and the finished product was frankly a bit of a masterpiece.

David Miller…. This was released as First Quest – The Music and here’s a blog on it to which, if you scroll down to the bottom, I give, in my nom-de-bog of spiggman, some background on it all. http://blogonomicon.blogspot.com/…/album-first-quest… Here’s a YouTube excerpt from the album. The first face you see come up is that of Valentine Dyall who, among other things, would take part in some of the Goon Show radio events back in the 50’s. I remembered him from those days and had him contacted and brought out of retirement to do the between-tracks dialogue for the album. Alas, I wrote some of the most self-consciously cheesey and trite sword-and-sorcery dialogue for him and I still apologise to him abnd his memory even to this day. He apparently was pleased to be remembered and paid so hopefully that was something of a balm to this indignity….