Essence – Thomas Peacock School Rye and The Pier.


photo supplied by  Chris Meachen. Essence at Rye Thomas Peacock School – Mick Mepham, Keith’Dusty’ Miller, Chris Catt, Chris Meachen and Mick Booker.


photo Chris Meachen Essence on the Pier


                                                                          Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection

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photos  supplied by  Chris Meachen 

Mick Mepham fashion icon  and Chris showing some leg.

Bunty McBunty… Wasn’t that colour pic taken at the Icklesham village hall gig … round the days of Mick and the flying V ?

Mick Mepham… Certainly was Chris, I have a feeling that may have been one of my first ever gigs….



Peter Millington with Paul & Linda McCartney – 1995.


supplied by Peter Millington

Peter Millington… 23rd November 1995

Stuart Moir… Nice pic Pete’ even McCartney looks young there

Pete Shaw… Looks like Paul and his wife Linda are approving a care home place for you Ginge!! Did you get a good deal? What’s the food like? Double room?

Peter Millington… Ha ha Pete  won’t be long, they’re putting in a bar just for me

Mark Randall… When was Cilla’s hair this long?


Lintonian Club – Winchelsea – September 1973

Merv Kennard… I remember the lads from Demon Disco, cant remember names. If we both had gig in town we would meet up after and go for a meal. If memory is right, one of them married Linda from Stylus Records.

Linda Boiling… Hi Merv, The lads from Demon Disco were Peter Boiling ( Peter Craig) and Nick Biker ( Spike). You have a good memory, I indeed worked at Stylus Records and Peter and I married in 1978. Peter sadly passed away aged 64 a year ago, I’m sure he would have remembered you and would have loved to chat about the good old days. The Discos were some of the happiest years of our lives. We have both always continued to love music especially 1970s. All of his records from the Discos are still in the loft, in their Schweppes crates and have moved 6 houses with us over the years.

Jane Hartley… Stuart Hollister was also a member at one point I believe.

Merv Kennard… sorry to hear your news Linda but nice to hear from you, would be good to have a chat some time to find out what happened to all those years.

Linda Boiling… Jane Hartley …Stuart Hollister (Ollie) was a friend of them both as they all lived in Brede at that time so I would think he would have been there too.

Skysteed – 1975

skysteed 1 skysteed 2

supplied by Tim White

Steve Francis (bass/vocals), Paul Morfey (guitar/vocals), Kevin White (Drums).

Tim White… Skysteed existed around 1975 and rehearsed at my Nan’s house in Catsfield, East Sussex.

Janette Morfey… I’m loving all the long hair!!

Roy Penfold… Is that cymbal suspended from the ceiling?

Alan Esdaile… I think you might be right Roy? The photo reminds me of Pink Floyd Ummagumma.

pink floyd

Leisure Music – Silverhill St Leonards-on-Sea 1973



supplied by Nick Prince

Flyer supplied by Barry French

Robert Searle… Bought a Fender Mustang bass there ,you know the one with the white stripe on it.

Colin Fox… Am I correct in saying that Bonners owned it. I remember Eddie Sargent, (Eastbourne guitarist), worked there for a while and I bought a Yamaha SG in there.

Paul Dengate… Bonners at Silverhill was a different building/business, opposite side of the road to Leisure Music.

Mick O’Dowd… They had a practice room downstairs.

Robert Searle… Did Rev have,or had use of a studio there somewhere ?

Paul Dengate… Leisure Music had three adjacent shops. At the back of one was a small workshop accessed by a path from the road at the side. I understand Rev did have a studio there but I never saw it. I went to work at Leisure Music after leaving Mullett Smith Music in Robertson Street. While I worked at Leisure Music, I rented the building at the back which could be used by bands for rehearsing or I’d use it for recording (The Box). I believe that when I left Leisure Music, it was still used for rehearsals but not looked after.

Andy Qunta… Spent many happy hours, & quite a few pounds, at Leisure Music! Rehearsed with Factory at the studio in the back a few times too!

Andy Caine… Loved leisure music! Spent so much time there! Bought my first serious guitar from Paul Dengate, “wish I’d kept it!” Gibson S G with bigsby for £220. Where is John English these days? Stepping out, roaring 80’s…. Great days! I rehearsed in Denmark Street a couple of weeks ago, out the back. Reminded me of the box! Sadly looks as though those studios will be history soon too!

Andy Qunta… I think the first gig with Jim Jim & The Jims was at Leisure Music, & Mick Abrahams, ex-Jethro Tull was a guest player. Pete Prescott, Pete Shaw, Ray Fenwick, Dermot Murphy & maybe Andy Caine & others were the Jims that day!

Martyn Baker… I always loved the Jims sets. Proper music played properly! I also loved The Teenbeats taking the piss too!

Pete Fisher… have to dig out the receipt for my Vox AC15 – I think that came from Leisure Music in 73?

Pete Millington… Spent quite a bit of money there

Ken Copsey… Leisure Music was the centre of my musical world from the age of 16-18. Played for the first time with the Teenbeats in The Box. Huggy jumping through a plasterboard partition, resting a certain part of his anatomy on Dave Blackman’s floor tom mid song! John English was always such a lovely bloke. I still have my Musicman RD 1×12 combo I bought from there. Wish I’d bought the late 60’s paisley Telecaster I saw hanging there once. Think this had belonged to Paul Dengate?

Pete Fisher… Pretty sure that’s where my very first (Vox AC15) amp came from…still have the receipt somewhere…

Alan Esdaile… Remember John English, yes he was a nice guy.

Roy Penfold… Pete,  I wish I still had the AC15 I inherited from an uncle….beautiful sound!

Pete Fisher… also sold mine about four years after I’d bought it in 1972, which I regretted later, just like all the other amps I sold over the years…this is what mine sounded like back in the day in Hastings with Pueblo…very lo-fi recording, but gives you an idea! This and all the other tracks here on my live page are downloadable as high quality wav files, just click on the More icon below the track…

Roy Penfold… That sounds good Pete- mind you with such a line up could it fail to sound good?  It never ceased to amaze me how a ‘small’ (if you can describe it as such with the weight of it) nominally 15W amplifier could get so loud!

Oakfest Music Festival – near Rye Sat 17th June 2017

oak fest

Natasha Kaschevsky… OAKFEST 2017 to be held on Saturday 17th JUNE, is a one day Beer & Music Festival on the outskirts of RYE – East Sussex and this year will be held in aid of the RNLI RYE HARBOUR LIFEBOAT. ENTRY on the Gate is £5 ADULTS [16 YEARS & UPWARDS] – £1 CHILD.

more details….

If you would like to get involved with this year’s Oakfest Music Festival in Rye and are a business who would like some extra promotion, why not consider some of the very generous Sponsorship Packages that are currently available on our Festival Website. Starting from as little as £60 – to Main Festival Sponsorship of £1000, there is a package to suit everyone! Full details of what you will receive in return are at the link below, plus contact details if you would like to join us!

Oakfest 2016 – Saturday 18th June 2016 Rye Road, Rye Foreign.

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OAKFEST 2016 will be held in aid of the OLIVER CURD TRUST. Last year’s festival raised a staggering £3,500 for Charity.

ENTRY on the Gate is £5 ADULTS – £1 CHILD.

[Please Note – NO DOGS will be allowed as this is a working SHEEP FARM]

This year’s lineup will be as follows (in no particular order):

Gates open at MIDDAY – Music starts at 1PM – FREE PARKING in the field.

The organisers would appreciate if visitors don’t bring their own food or drink to the event, as prices are VERY reasonable and this would only take away money raised for the Charity – Thank you in advance! smile emoticon

There will be a BAR tent serving REAL ALES – a BARBECUE – RAFFLE – FACEPAINTING on the day.

FREE CAMPING is permitted on the Saturday night.


Yvonne Cleland… Who’s going to this?

Elaine Roberts… We are! 🙂