Fusion Orchestra – Hastings Pier 21st April 1973



fusion back

poster supplied by Mick Mepham. Leaflet supplied by Iain Cobby

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coloured photos supplied by Eddie Hazell Estate


Pier photo by Chris Meachen

Autograph poster supplied by Peter Houghton

Robin Trower is listed on the poster buy pretty sure he did not turn up. Any ideas who replaced him?

Mick Knights… Here we go again, Jilly and the mike stand, memories are made of this!

Phil Thornton… excellent band, brilliant gig !

Alan Esdaile… Agree Phil, brilliant gig.

Yvonne Cleland… yep!

Tony May… Fantastic pics Alan. I heard so much about this lot from Simon and these shots put meat on the bones.

Phil Thornton… another gig I was at ! if memory serves a spendid event !

Jan Warren… Oh WOW, brilliant pics, thank you, I saw this band many times and they had such a big impact on me!! – I’ve seen many “famous” bands over the years but Fusion Orchestra have always remained most in my head and my heart – their performances were amazing, the song-writing was genius and Jill Saward’s vocals and multi-instrumental talents were (and still are) the best ever!! – I am sooooo happy for the recently released cd “Fusion Orchestra Live at the Marquee 1974” – I woz there, I cant stop playing this cd, it takes me right back there, its amazing, I love you Fusion Orchestra, always and forever!

Andy Qunta… Great photos!


Joe’s Blooze Band – Hastings Beach Concert – 2000.

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© Eddie Hazell Estate. 

Joe Rytlewski, Phil Gill, Nigel Milliechamp and  Jez Gillett.

Phil Gill…..Always wondered what happened to pictures people take at gigs and how they turn out. Good to see some memories.  I am apparently Huge in Japan…

Tony Court-holmes…..I was back stage with the late great norman race remember him in old town week please.

Phil Gill… That was the 2000 Beach Concert. I remember it because I did JBB at around 5pm and then played with Stevie Z at 7pm. Just in time to come off stage and discover that Samabalanco had made their way backstage and drunk all the hospitality beer whilst we’d been been playing the Stevie Z set. We were unimpressed…

Stevie Zee with Pete Shaw – Beach Concert Hastings – 2000

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photos © Eddie Hazell Estate . photos for sale for donation to St Michaels Hospice.

Peter Shaw…..Hey guys, that’s the indomitable Stevie Zee with me behind my ’68 Ludwig…bass was I think occupied by Sir Colin Gibson…but it could’ve been Meister Terry Pack! Stevie, Colin and I performed at an internet televised gig from a London club after Colin and I took part in a rather delicious up market meal!  Great energy from The Zee!!

Phil Gill….Stevie Zee with Peter James Shaw on drums and me on bass.I remember Sambalanco had consumed all the hospitality beer by the time we got off stage

Ralph Town…..Stevie zee…really great guitarist.He used to have a second hand music store in Claremont,just down from the keyboards place

Pete Shaw….Aha, sorry Phil Gill, elements of my memory fail me! But, I do remember that Stevie Zee often used a face, so well known to us, of Bruce Forsythe in pain whilst cracking out searing guitar solos in one of those chords and keys that he knew…!! But, again, I did enjoy the gigs!!

Terry Pack….I played with Stevie for most of 1999. We did a lot of gigs up north with Chris Sharley on drums, including Burnley Blues Festival. My last gig was The Black Horse Festival that year. I think he went back to Spain…

Pete Shaw… There I am…dark glasses on sit tin’ behind my ole Ludwig at The Beach concert!

Unknown Band Name (Audio Bus?) and Members, Beach Concert Hastings

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photos © Eddie Hazell Estate . photos for sale for donation to St Michaels Hospice.

Anyone help with naming the band and the members?

Karen Sweatman…  think the male vocalist used to sing in a local band called Shine in the mid 90s? Not certain though and this looks later.

Phil Gill… Glen Hoile and Kate Rytlewski. Don’t know the drummer and can’t remember the band name.

Alan Esdaile… Were the band called Audio Bus?