photo: Leigh Kennedy

Matt Thomas… I remember the night it was on fire
Martin Richter… lovely building
John Wilde… Always admired this building
Claire Lonsdale… Beautiful
Keith Veness… Another one of Hastings Fires
John Mcewen…. My claim to fame is that I alerted the fire brigade. Was going to work at 3.30 in the morning.
Kev Towner… Absolutely loved this building. I lived in Linley Drive as a child.
Lucy Pappas… I loved that building x
Eileen Adams… Where abouts on Elphinstone Rd was this?
Matt Thomas… Eileen, On the corner of Hoadswood Rd and Elphinstone Rd opposite the allotments
Debbie Antonowicz… I remember it and it was knocked down when it should not have been…..
Sarah Harvey… That is a rhubarb field next to it, which was part of the farm that was situated in Elphinstone Road. Me and a friend used to go and pick (more like nick) it and go around selling it house to house for extra pocket money.
Matt Thomas… Sarah, would that have been Scutes Farm?
Sarah Harvey… Matt, indeed it was. Now Scutes Close occupies part of the farm site
Gavin Hide… my mum still lives in Springfield Cottage just on corner of Elphinstone Gardens…..still has a small patch of rhubarb
Angela Frances Gardner… I had a friend Paddy who worked there
Mike Rawlinson… Didn’t it get burned down?
Claire Triance… Yes as these gr8 building often get burned so that developers get to build on site happens all time
Rose Biela… Love the architecture
Tracy Birrell… Such a beautiful Art Deco building. I was the telephonist/receptionist here in the ’70’s.
Andrew Clifton… I worked for them for a short time.
Martin Stringer… Used to live almost opposite that when we owned Tudor House.
John Busbridge… Accidentally caught fire because it was in the way and had or was getting a preservation order on it?
Dawn Campbell… Hi, My mum worked there for many years, I remember meeting her there after school walking home from the High school on the Ridge, which is also sadly no longer. Then I used to visit and take my baby son with me to show him off to her colleagues. Although it was hard work she always seemed to enjoy her time there. This was between the years 1975 to 1990
Allan Mitchell… I remember those days Hi Uncle Den Love The Picture Of Dawn Dorset Laundry I Worked There For 4 Years Had great Laughs But Very Hard Work Love To You Donna Booby Neph Allan Xxx
John Fox… I worked there for 6 years in the 80s. Good times.
Kevin White…I did some electrical work there from time to time, when I was an apprentice electrician on Farley Paine ltd in the mid 70’s. My Mum used to work there in the 50’s or 60’s
Julie Findlay-jones… My dad worked as a driver for the laundry that was by Kings Road but I’m not sure if it was the same company.