Elvis Costello Hastings beach/pier

shared from Jack Esworthy. https://www.facebook.com/jack.esworthy.12/

Jack Esworthy… Found this in an old music book  Elvis Costello jumping for joy on Hastings beach

Alan Esdaile… photo is from The Other Side Of Summer single.

Kaye French… That’s probably what made him too ill to play on the Pier! One song and he gave up!

Alan Esdaile… Kaye, during ‘Alison’. I think that was the earlier gig, where he reckoned he got food poisoning from fish & chips in Folkestone???

Pete Fairless… Too many oysters, Alan.

Tracy Birrell… I saw his gig when he was ill. He said he had flu.

Chris Wood… We saw him on the Pier …. It was our first proper date… weekend away….when I took Michele to Hastings for the first time.

Amanda Hilton… I saw him on the pier he was off his head




Elvis Costello – Hastings Beach 1991


source: http://www.elviscostellofans.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=6792

Elvis Costello on Hastings Beach, 1991 by Keith Morris.

Thanks to Andrew Clifton for finding this and Stuart Huggett for the links.

Stuart Huggett… It’s an an out-take from the shoot for his ‘The Other Side Of Summer’ single.

Mark Gilham… Fished that effluent pipe many a time and never knew.

Ernest Ballard… I was working in The Queens hotel when Elvis was staying there. We were told strictly not to badger him and allow him space. On the third night in the bar after a few drinks he shouted ” why is everyone blanking me? Do you lot not know who I am ? “. We told him we weren’t allows to speak to him. Ha ha he then bought us all a drink. He was recording at Paul Mcartneys studio locally. I’ve fished there with you Mark. Caught some eels and whiting as I remember, And dabs I think.

Andre Martin… Great piece of beach art in the background !

Elvis Costello – Hastings Pier 4th March 1980

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poster supplied by Andrew Clifton                 ticket supplied by Robert Wren


ad supplied by Sarah Harvey

Alan Esdaile… .Packed gig and as wildly reported here, he left the stage half through a song which I think was ‘Alison’.

Andrew Clifton…. found this on Wikipedia. Elvis Costello when asked Can you remember any shows of yours that were spectacularly good or bad? It’s not for me to say which were the good shows, However, I do remember a concert a few years ago which would have been a nearly perfect combination of songs if I’d played “Suit Of Lights” at the end — but then I’d have had to stop performing. This is why a show is preferable to records: any night may yield the best version of a song — that is, up until the next night. Needless to say, there were a number of occasions, back in the day, where one or other member of the band was either too tired or emotional to complete the show. I could name names but at the risk of reading like one of those tired old rehashes that are the stock-in-trade of a “rival publication,” I will only mention this one evening when I was at fault. You did ask. Following a lunchtime stop in Folkestone at which half a case of wine was demolished, plus an afternoon “nap” and early evening “livener” of several pints of strong cider into which were dropped shot glasses of navy rum — for those of you who want to order one, it’s called a “Depth Charge” — and God knows what else, I completely forgot the words of “Alison” and had to be led from a stage at the end of Hastings Pier, in 1980. I still refuse to play over water to this day.

Mick O’Dowd….This was a classic concert with a force 6/7 blowing outside. The joint was shakin’, literally. Must have been a near sell-out. Tickets are cheaper for this gig than the £45 asking for De La Warr concert next year(2014)!

Bobby Walker… And my friend thought he left the stage because she was stood right up the front and was talking during “Alison”. Was this before or after Langer was in Deaf School? He and Winstanley became one of the great production teams of the late 70s / early 80s.

Michael Wilson….I’ve still got mine the the Costello gig. A great night on the pier and waiting for a train back to Bexhill afterwards

Mick Mepham….Doh! Didn’t get to see that one dammit!

Mick O’Dowd….Hard luck Mick. It was a classic and probably a sell-out as well!Anybody remember who the support was?

Michael Wilson….Clive Langer and the Boxes support I think he also produce the album ‘Get Happy’

Jim Hobbs…. Clive Langer and the Boxes. They were great, but I think Elvis cut his set short during ‘Alison’, he looked a bit ‘ill’.

Andrew Clifton….He went off stage and left the band playing then returned to the stage to play but not for very long. I do remember him saying something like “if you don’t stop dancing we will go through the floor into the sea.”

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