Ez Allen with Colin Bell DJ’s – Vacuum Generators 14th May 1971


Ez Allen with Colin Bell at the back. Vacuum Generators 14th May 1971 supporting Alamo.

Samuel Freeman…. It was a good night

Colin Bell… Bloody hell! Haven’t seen this before! Where did the years go….

Andy Knight… I just love that pic, where are they now?

Alan Esdaile… Great hair!

Muller – The Regent Hastings 1969.


poster supplied by Paul Dove, photo by Paul Wiseman

Paul Dove, Jon McCallion, Alan Esdaile(manager), Steve Demetri. Paul Wiseman is taking the photo.

Alan Esdaile… Happy days of…..Hair! Business card must have been when Harry was manager.

Jan Warren.. Oh yes, my hubby (ex) Pete Watson was the regular Saturday night DJ at The Regent ……. must have been around about 1972 to 74?! – there were lots of bands, I remember “Rubber Band” (Bowie-type lead singer called Dave, haha) they released a single called “Moon Walker”!! and many other local bands played there, many of which have often been mentioned here in SMART group!! – good times!!

Paul Dove… Well done Alan good memories,, here we are 50 years on and still living the dream,, just wish a few of our old friends could see them but I expect they are still living that dream were ever they are, we are carrying on that dream, love music love life ,love SMART,xx

Harry Randall… I used to go to school with both Steve and Paul Wiseman

Jon McCallion… Good photo Paul

Tony Court-holmes… forgot about the Regent, how about Hartnells?