Do you remember getting your feet measured with one of these?

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Used one of those in the shoe department in Plummer Roddis in 1971!

Alan Esdaile… Remember Hall’s shoe shop in Robertson Street,(where my mum worked), used to always measure your feet as a kid.

Pete Prescott… Yes I remember these. Clarks used them.

Paul Morfey… Yes I remember Halls as a kid, and being measured with one of those, and they had a machine to Xray your feet!

Dave Nattress… Yes definitely recall Halls and Clarks measuring feet for shoes, something my mum never used to skimp on was good quality shoes. Used to come over from Bexhill. But, this reminds me of a large clothing shop called Dengates on the corner of Cambridge Gardens and Bohemia Road where a lot of my clobber came from until early teens all the kit including school clothes and casual and shoes and I recall they supplied Carhartts “Huskies” Blue jeans sort of like Levi 501’s but a poorer man’s version! Fine as they were bought for me and then I discovered “Dickies” and then 501’s from Peter Jackson in Bexhill with my own paper-round money. £3.2/6 and desert boots and some brown boots called fell boots. My first Black winkle-pickers came from Dengates and then the style was chisel toes was it? Looked up Carhartts “Huskies” recently they still appear to be available in the USA and the UK even! Dengates seemed like a huge store back then, 2/3 levels.