supplied by Bren Hall
Linda Gowans… I remember the juke box in the 1950s/60s. In my childhood Dad used to give me the money to play something, but I was careful not to pick anything that would stop him giving me any more! Later when I went with friends we could liven things up!
Ju-ju Davies… I believe my dad worked for these delivering ice cream to the pier restaurant on his pushbike
Kay Lobb… I worked there in the mid sixties. The jukebox was the main attraction of eight hour shifts.
Linda Gowans… Kay, You’ve probably served me a milkshake or two!
Colin Clarke-Hill… Brilliant memory. Did the ice cream parlour belong to the Rocco Forte family ?
Kay Lobb… It was run by Ralph Forte, if I remember correctly. Such a LONG time ago. I can remember The Beach Boys, Good Vibrations being played nearly non stop on the juke box. Quite ironic for one of my first jobs I made sandwiches and served tea and coffee… I did in my last job!
Colin Clark-Hill… Kay, just wondered if it was the same family as Trusthouse Forte, Alex Polizzi etc but probably not. Maybe distant relations . Beach Boys . Yes!
Glynis Phillips… Yes I remember the juke box in Fortes. Happy days. Some of the best days