Bruce Forsyth R.I.P.

Peter Gladwish… RIP Brucie. Didn’t he do well!

Jan Warren… Ahhhhhhh, so sad, bye bye dear Brucie

Alan Esdaile… A real STAR, that kept us entertained over the years. R.I.P. Bruce.

Dennis Torrance… R I P Bruce great entertainment you gave . As a boy remember Sunday night at London palladium you made me laugh

Jake Nelson… What a shame, he seems to have been around forever. A talented performer who’s been a star to three generations.

Pete Prescott… He was part of our lives. A wonderful life ! A great entertainer.

Pete Fisher… I know there are a lot of fans of the late great Bruce Forsyth here, and although I was never a big fan of his comedy, this is a must-see. He was an excellent singer and pianist, as illustrated by this clip, in which he’s accompanied by Mitch Dalton on guitar, Barry Morgan on drums and André Messida (correct name please someone??) on bass…