all cuttings: Andre Palfrey-martin collection
I am posting this week’s History a little early, as some of the most interesting activity is going to take place on Friday 14th October 1966 will be the Invasion Ball in “The Happy Ballroom”, Hastings Pier and without doubt involve “the longest bar in town” Headlining the programme this night is Georgie Fame now without the Blue Flames, Bob Knights has been able to repeat the success of having him playing in Hastings as we did for the College All-Nighter in June, as he is about to start a national tour with the Harry South Big Band also on the programme this “battle night” are John Mayalls Blues Breakers, Shotgun Express and The Gass and all for £1.00 on the night.
We would have started the night with a trip to the TV Studios in London for this week’s edition of Ready Steady Go. Headlining were Paul Jones “High Time” and Dusty “All I see is You”
The Witch Doctor this weekend added a double bill to the Saturday Night presentation – The Majority plus the Coloured Raisins, who would appear several times over the years at the Pier, Witch Doctor and other venues in Hastings. Thursday Night was as ever the slot for Steve Maxted and his own particular brand of entertainment, as good as ever.
BBC Radio for the weekend, Saturday on Saturday Club – Cilla Black, Adam Faith, Chris Farlowe, Robert Parker, the Four Pennies, Wynder k frog, The Imp-Acts, & the Arthur Greenslade Orchestra all controlled by Brian Matthew. The following programmes followed a similar format and we had edition of I’m sorry I’ll Read that Again, Swingalong, The National Brass Band Festival. Music Parade, It’s Latin, Have a Go, A night At The Music Hall, Time for Old Time, Geoff Murphy and His Music, Simon Dee and to close the evening Lennie Felix and his Trio. Sunday’s offerings would have included – Easy Beat with The Johnny Howard Band, Laura Lee, Tony Stevens and Danny Street with records by Keith Fordyce. Lunchtime would have brought a Three Way Family Favourites link up with London, Koln and Borneo. Later in the day The Navy Lark, Billy Cotton Band Show, Semprini Serenade, Pick of the Pops, Listen to this Space, Movie Go Round –First House, featuring Fantastic Voyage with Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch, Edmund O’Brien and Donald Pleasance. Top of the Form, Sing Something Simple, Open House with Desmond Carrington, Sunday Half Hour. Movie Go Round – Second House with Peter Haig, featuring The Battle of the Bulge starring Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, Robert Ryan and Dana Andrews. Later Frankie Howerd, David Hughes, The Jazz Scene till closed down. Television on Saturday always started the afternoon with Grandstand followed by Juke Box Jury and this week David Jacobs had as guests Julie Rogers, David Hughes, Scott Hamilton and Truly Smith. Later Dr Who “ The Tenth Planet”, Dixon of Dock Green, High Adventure Film “ Fort Algiers” Raymond Burr and Lelf Erickson. From Great Yarmouth The Hippodrome Circus, the Trouble Shooters, News 7 Match of the Day. The Late show and this was followed by The Conservative Party Conference from Brighton. On Sunday we had Film Matinee –“I’m No Angel” with Mae West and Cary Grant, Western the Loner Series. Wilkie Collins “The Woman in White” Pt 3,Sooty, Meeting Point, Songs of Praise and Sunday Film “ No Highway” Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart, Jack Hawkins & Glynis Johns. Billy Cotton’s Music Hall. The Georgian State Dance Company, News and The look of the Week. Over on the Pirates, Radio Caroline South with DLT playing this week’s top records – Georgie Fame : Sunny, Four Tops : Reach Out I’ll Be There”, Troggs : Can’t Control Myself, Herman’s Hermits : No Milk Today and NVB :Winchester Cathedral. Big L Radio London contributions, NVB : Winchester Cathedral, Four Tops : Reach Out I’ll Be There, Troggs : I Can’t Control Myself, Bobby Darrin : If I were a Carpenter, Hollies : Stop, Stop, Stop.
So there we have 50 years ago this weekend what people were attracted to in Hastings, Plus there were all sorts of addition celebrations, parades and gatherings to enjoy and remember the 900th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. Here we are now some 50 years later doing the same and celebrating perhaps one of the Key Dates in History 1066. Whatever you are up to this weekend enjoy yourselves and take great care.
Andre Palfrey-Martin ©2016
Steve Maxted… Hard to believe, 50 years has passed. Your knowledge of the history is amazing and invaluable