Georgie Fame & Alan Price & compere Colin Bell – White Rock Pavilion 28th October 1973



supplied by Sarah Harvey

Alan Esdaile… Can you remember who the support was Colin?

Matt Thomas… Probably played one of my favourite tunes ‘Rosetta’ 

Mick O’Dowd… Remember working on this one. I think it may have been Martin-Casson only gig at White Rock.

Colin Bell… I can’t be absolutely certain but I think they were called ‘Highway’, I remember the actual night very well as they were a heavyish rock band and the audience hated them! I should add that it wasn’t because Highway were bad far from it, it was just not what the audience were expecting as a support act, I liked them! The late Paul Casson and I hid in the bar til the second half when F & P did their set. Fortunately the night then ended well! Not the best night to be compere, especially in my home backstage it was clear F & P didn’t get on, they arrived separately didn’t speak a word to each other and left separately without a word. On stage together chemistry, offstage………Ah the memories!..

Radio Caroline advert with Georgie Fame 1967

Stuart Moir… My first pop station from the ship in the North sea

Pete Houghton… Great pirate Station from the 60s and used to go up Galley Hill and flash the car headlights

Judy Atkinson… Pete, hope you don’t do that today

Tony Ball… Saw Georgie and the Blue Flames at the Winter Gardens Eastbourne

Judy Atkinson… All part of growing up … I was listening when the ship sank

Trevor Jones…Blimey. I worked as a rock singer for Reg Calvert in 1963-1964 then met Oliver Smedley in early 70s. I recall running up 34 flights of the Barbican to his flat cos I was scared of lifts. Some very famous people there and fantastic wine .The rest is a blank.

Hastings College Rag Appeal Dances Hastings Pier – Chris Farlowe & – 23/25th June 1966

chris farlow

Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Andre Martin…..Mid Summers Day – for some of you 48 years ago, you were thinking about tonight’s offering in The Happy Ballroom.

Leigh Wieland-Boys….Chris Farlowe’s still got it! I’ve seen him live twice in the last year, his voice is amazing & his version (the original) of Handbags & Gladrags is phenomenal

Gilly Cheeb… What about Count Basie on the Sunday night?

Yvonne Cleland… Hastings College got Chris Farlowe? Wow!

Alan Esdaile… In 1966 Yvonne. Mind you he’s at Hailsham on the 18th January 2015.

Yvonne Cleland… Am I imagining it, or was Chris Farlowe the first bloke to sing with Queen after Freddy Mercury died?

Andre Martin… Chart from the pop press 1966 and this was the poster that I was looking for – came out from Immediate Records to us at the College to use for any promotion, as “Out of Time” had just been released the week before he appeared on Hastings Pier.

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all cuttings –  Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Mick O’Dowd… Chris Farlowe also recorded a single on Sue label under the guise of Little Joe Cook entitled Stormy Monday Blues. Great blue-eyed soul singer. Always been one of my faves. These were great line-ups and something you would not see today, well at leas not for 5 bob or a quid!

John Storer… In small print under Chris Farlowe’s name is his backing band … “and The Thunderbirds” … two of the members of The Thunderbirdfs in June 1966 were Dave Greenslade and Albert Lee!

Andre Martin… Yes we always went for the best in my days at the old college.That has to be one of the best ever weekends watch out for Hastings Observer in a couple of weeks.

John Warner… Great line up there!

Dermot Bambridge… I was a student at Hastings Tech doing OND Engineering at the time and was very involved in this and other 1966 College Rag events – including walking from Croydon to Hastings with a boat on a trailer raising money for charity. Our college all-nighter was an amazing gig – Chris Farlowe’s ‘Out of Time’ still resonates in my memory and stops me in my tracks when I hear it today. On the pier at the time was a dome – the ‘triodome’ I think it was called – housing a copy of the Bayeux Tapestry of the Battle of Hastings. Some of those attending the event ran onto the dome causing damage. I remember my parents being very shocked when the police came round to our house to ‘question me’ about the incident. It wasn’t me but I knew who had done it but my lips were sealed. Happy days.

Georgie Fame and John Mayall’s Blues Breakers – Hastings Pier Allnighter 14th October 1966

Advert supplied by Andre Martin

photo: Georgie Fame and Rick Brown (bass) (Amsterdam, October 1966)


ticket source:

Gerry Fortsch… I wish I had been there

Joe Knight… George!!! Oh Yeah

Alan Esdaile… Anyone know who played with John Mayall on this gig? Eric Clapton would have been with Cream by this time but could have been Peter Green or Mick Taylor?

David Finn… Peter Green!

Pete Fisher… can’t believe I missed Peter Green in my hometown, but I was only 11, just started Grammar School…discovered Peter Green and John Mayall two years later…

Cheryland Jim Ramshaw… Remember that night well the place was buzzing

Pete Fisher… According to wiki, Eric Clapton left the Bluesbreakers in July 1966, and was replaced by Peter Green, so this would have been with Greenie…

Andy Qunta… Peter Green took Eric’s place, I believe, so possibly him



Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames – Hastings Pier 24th June 1966


georgie fame

poster Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection

Andre Martin….Plus – Support acts Tony & The Defiant from Eastbourne and Earl Richmond from Radio London ” Big L 266 Mts ”

Bob Cockburn….I’m sorry to own up but I used to like Tony Rivers !!

Andre Martin….Bob you have nothing to apologise about – he was and still is a great vocalist, with a track record that puts a lot of the so called “star” to shame. Saw him at the Witch Doctor several times, and with other bands that he created. Did you know that he appeared on Band Aid London show, as one of the backing vocalists. He is highly respected within the industry. Tried to get him as an interview on my Carnival FM show during the Hastings Carnival, but was prevented by technical problems. he was very keen to be interviewed.

Peter Millington…He was asked by Bruce Welch (Shadows) to arrange the vocals for a couple of songs for Cliff Richard in 1975. He became the driving force for Cliff’s backing vocals for 10 years and toured the world with him. All you have to do is listen to “Miss You Nights” to hear the genius of the man. His discography is truly stunning.

Jan Warren… Shouldn’t that be “Unit Four PLUS Two”?

unit 4 plus 2

Eric Harmer… Were the blues flames before the fire? Alway looking for the cause.

Gavin Martin… Worthing Town Hall with The Manfreds in autumn

Andre Martin… OMG This brings back memories from 52 years ago this week.

Melody Maker review cutting thanks to Mick Bolton for finding.

Rag Week Dances The Dolphin & Hastings Pier – The Cherry Pickers, Chris Farlowe, Georgie Fame, Unit 4 Plus 2, Tony Rivers & The Castaways 23rd June- 25th 1966

 Flyer supplied by Andre Martin, Tony Rivers & The Castaways photo – supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Andre Martin… they made lots of appearances at The Happy Ballroom, The Witch Doctor, The Cobweb etc in Hastings – Great bunch of guys – enjoy this real music for a while, playing this also for Peter Millington, who I know is a personal friend of Tony’s . Great nights all those years ago.!!

Mick O’Dowd… Thanx for the info. They were a really excellent band. I believe at the time they were the only band to play Good Vibrations live. Not even the Beach Boys were doing it then.

Andre Martin… Yes that was all 51 years ago this weekend – some great memories


SMART SOUNDS by Colin Bell reviewing The Two Faces Of Fame – The Complete 1967 Recordings by Georgie Fame (2Cd Deluxe Edition)


Co-incidentally it was only the other week elsewhere on the site we Smarties were discussing our favourite year in music, which in mine, Alan’s and several others was….1967..and into my letterbox drops this new 2CD set for review.

Why does this concentrate on just 1 year in Georgies long and illustrious career? Simply because it was the year he switched record companies and signed with CBS, a label that had a different approach to how it would promote Georgie. ‘ The Two Faces’ refers to the fact the album consisted of ‘live’ recordings from the Festival Hall and studio recordings and that his music meant different things to different people. Having of course scored two previous huge hits with the pop/r’n’b singles ‘Yeah Yeah’ and ‘Getaway’ casual listeners would probably just think of him as another blue eyed soul/pop singer. But avid fans were only too aware of his main drive which was fusing jazz, swing, r’n’b and soul in his own unique way and with his awesome mastery of his Hammond. A consummate musician he had been playing all the top London clubs like The Flamingo etc for years and numbered The Beatles amongst his fans and peers. He was/is also blessed with a warm vocal style which is instantly recognisable. This deluxe 2cd set is an expanded edition of the original album release with both stereo and mono mixes and a plethora of bonus and some unreleased tracks. The exhaustive liner notes tell the story of this period excellently, its a complicated one! However the mix of material is far ranging and encompasses all the previous elements previously mentioned from the blues of ‘Bluesology’ to the jazz/swing of ‘Green back Dollar Bill’ (a great track!) to the (bonus) old soul standard ‘Knock on Wood’. Now those with good memories will also recall this was also the year of his third big chart hit (included here) ‘The Ballad of Bonnie & Clyde’. Space doesn’t permit a long foray into this, however TBOB&C sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the other tracks, lets just say the aforementioned CBS had a vision not shared by Georgie! Personally I also have always had an aversion to it as well! Of course these days fusing jazz with pop is all the rage and paradoxically that makes Georgie as relevant now as he was all those years ago, not that it bothers him one jot I imagine. He’s been making superb classy music for over 5 decades. Ive had the pleasure of working with him twice, solo and when he teemed up with Alan Price (see elsewhere on the SMART pages for that). Ive also seen him playing on at least 3 occasions with Van the Man.

A genuine affable and nice guy he is too. I have to be honest and say I generally shy away from ‘jazz’ its a genre ive never really go into, but Georgies style and fusion makes for a great listen and I have enjoyed listening to this album tremendously. Die hard fans will welcome and treasure this set without a doubt, and more casual listeners like myself will find much to reward listening. Its certainly given me a new perspective or should that be a retrospective view of his art.

For more information go to

Til next time………. Colin 

Colin Fox… I still love the sound of Hammond organ through a Leslie speaker.

Andy Qunta… Can’t argue with that, Colin!

Colin Searle… Got that gorgeous warm sound

The Happy Ballroom Hastings Pier & more. 14th Oct 1966 by Andre Martin

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all cuttings: Andre Palfrey-martin collection

I am posting this week’s History a little early, as some of the most interesting activity is going to take place on Friday 14th October 1966 will be the Invasion Ball in “The Happy Ballroom”, Hastings Pier and without doubt involve “the longest bar in town” Headlining the programme this night is Georgie Fame now without the Blue Flames, Bob Knights has been able to repeat the success of having him playing in Hastings as we did for the College All-Nighter in June, as he is about to start a national tour with the Harry South Big Band also on the programme this “battle night” are John Mayalls Blues Breakers, Shotgun Express and The Gass and all for £1.00 on the night.
We would have started the night with a trip to the TV Studios in London for this week’s edition of Ready Steady Go. Headlining were Paul Jones “High Time” and Dusty “All I see is You”
The Witch Doctor this weekend added a double bill to the Saturday Night presentation – The Majority plus the Coloured Raisins, who would appear several times over the years at the Pier, Witch Doctor and other venues in Hastings. Thursday Night was as ever the slot for Steve Maxted and his own particular brand of entertainment, as good as ever.
BBC Radio for the weekend, Saturday on Saturday Club – Cilla Black, Adam Faith, Chris Farlowe, Robert Parker, the Four Pennies, Wynder k frog, The Imp-Acts, & the Arthur Greenslade Orchestra all controlled by Brian Matthew. The following programmes followed a similar format and we had edition of I’m sorry I’ll Read that Again, Swingalong, The National Brass Band Festival. Music Parade, It’s Latin, Have a Go, A night At The Music Hall, Time for Old Time, Geoff Murphy and His Music, Simon Dee and to close the evening Lennie Felix and his Trio. Sunday’s offerings would have included – Easy Beat with The Johnny Howard Band, Laura Lee, Tony Stevens and Danny Street with records by Keith Fordyce. Lunchtime would have brought a Three Way Family Favourites link up with London, Koln and Borneo. Later in the day The Navy Lark, Billy Cotton Band Show, Semprini Serenade, Pick of the Pops, Listen to this Space, Movie Go Round –First House, featuring Fantastic Voyage with Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch, Edmund O’Brien and Donald Pleasance. Top of the Form, Sing Something Simple, Open House with Desmond Carrington, Sunday Half Hour. Movie Go Round – Second House with Peter Haig, featuring The Battle of the Bulge starring Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, Robert Ryan and Dana Andrews. Later Frankie Howerd, David Hughes, The Jazz Scene till closed down. Television on Saturday always started the afternoon with Grandstand followed by Juke Box Jury and this week David Jacobs had as guests Julie Rogers, David Hughes, Scott Hamilton and Truly Smith. Later Dr Who “ The Tenth Planet”, Dixon of Dock Green, High Adventure Film “ Fort Algiers” Raymond Burr and Lelf Erickson. From Great Yarmouth The Hippodrome Circus, the Trouble Shooters, News 7 Match of the Day. The Late show and this was followed by The Conservative Party Conference from Brighton. On Sunday we had Film Matinee –“I’m No Angel” with Mae West and Cary Grant, Western the Loner Series. Wilkie Collins “The Woman in White” Pt 3,Sooty, Meeting Point, Songs of Praise and Sunday Film “ No Highway” Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart, Jack Hawkins & Glynis Johns. Billy Cotton’s Music Hall. The Georgian State Dance Company, News and The look of the Week. Over on the Pirates, Radio Caroline South with DLT playing this week’s top records – Georgie Fame : Sunny, Four Tops : Reach Out I’ll Be There”, Troggs : Can’t Control Myself, Herman’s Hermits : No Milk Today and NVB :Winchester Cathedral. Big L Radio London contributions, NVB : Winchester Cathedral, Four Tops : Reach Out I’ll Be There, Troggs : I Can’t Control Myself, Bobby Darrin : If I were a Carpenter, Hollies : Stop, Stop, Stop.
So there we have 50 years ago this weekend what people were attracted to in Hastings, Plus there were all sorts of addition celebrations, parades and gatherings to enjoy and remember the 900th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. Here we are now some 50 years later doing the same and celebrating perhaps one of the Key Dates in History 1066. Whatever you are up to this weekend enjoy yourselves and take great care.
Andre Palfrey-Martin ©2016

Steve Maxted… Hard to believe, 50 years has passed. Your knowledge of the history is amazing and invaluable

The Happy Ballroom & more 8th October 1966 by Andre Martin

The weeks continue, but with very little change, was life that much simpler back 50 years? Do let me know, anyway is Saturday 8th October 1966. Rumour has it that the Norman Invasion is on its way and things will start to happen next week. The Happy Ballroom on Hastings Pier remains quiet but the Invasion All Nighter has been planned for the actual day of the battle Friday 14th October, headlining the show is Georgie Fame, more on that to follow.
The start to the weekend – Ready Steady Go has topping the bill, The Rolling Stones – “Have You Seen Your Mother”, “Paint it Black” &” Lady Jane”. Paul & Barry Ryan – “Have you ever loved somebody” and Eric Burden + The Animals “Help Me Girl” The team of Cathy & Keith fronted the show an kept it moving along apace.  Down at Marine Court, The Witch Doctor is planning some changes, but are keeping it under wraps and on Saturday evening from Portsmouth came along R&B Band – The Loose Ends, regulars on the circuit here in southern England. Thursday night was as expected and enjoyed the Maidstone Manic Music Motivator & Muscle Man – Steve Maxted, with his particular style of Mayhem, and to think that we had to be out of the venue and on the way home by 11.00pm – those were the days. All that advertised for the changes – New Faces, New Shows, More Action – ??????  BBC Radio for the weekend started for many with Children’s Favourites with Leslie Crowther, followed b Saturday Club with Brian Matthew and his guests Georgie Fame with The Harry South Big Band, The Troggs, Herman’s Hermits, Paul Jones, Peter Jay & The Jaywalkers and The County Set. Lunchtime continued with David Frost at the Phonograph, Music from the Movies, Sorry I’’ll Read That Again, Swingtime with Chris Denning. Later in the evening the offer included – Have A Go with Wilfred Pickles, A Night at The Music Hall, Roy Castle, Time for Old Time, Ken Mackintosh and His orchestra and the evening drew to a close with two & half hours of Simon Dee, and Lennie Felix with Jazz Time.
On Sunday after Children’s Favourites, Mrs Mills and Phil Tate’s Happy Gang, it was Easy Beat with Keith Fordyce. Noon it was Two Way Family Favourites – London & Koln, the afternoons comedy entertainment included the Navy Lark, The Clitheroe Kid, Billy Cotton Band Show & Semprini. Pick of the Pops with Fluff at 4.00pm. Movie Go Round this week featured Kaleidoscope with Warren Beatty, Susannah York & Eric Porter. Steve Race this week included the music; content of Sea Films, in the chair Peter Haige. Later we had Top of the Form, Sing Something Simple, Frankie Howerd and Jazz Scene.
Television for the weekend: Saturday – Grandstand, followed by Juke Box Jury – David Jacobs in the chair and his guests Lynn Redgrave, Penny Valentine, Lionel Bart and Ronnie Carroll. Later, Dr Who, Dixon of Dock Green, the film “High Adventure” with Rock Hudson. The Dick Van Dyke Show, Trouble-shooters, Horse of The Year Show. Match of the Day ended the evenings viewing.
Sundays offerings included Film Matinee – The Solid Cold Cadillac starring Judy Holliday and Paul Douglas, Wlikie Collins “ the Woman in White”, Sooty’s Mammoth Circus, Songs of Praise, “The Road to Rio” with Bing Crosby,Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour & The Andrews Sisters. Later it was The Billy Cotton’s Music Hall, Ages of Man, The Look of the Week with Robert Robinson.
Bobbing along on the ocean waves, the Pirates were presenting the weekends top hits – Radio Caroline South with Rick Dane – Georgie Fame: “ Sunny”, Sandpipers “ Guantanamera, DDDBMT : “Bend it”, New Vaudeville Band : “Winchester Cathedral “ and The Who “ I’m A Boy” Tony Blackburn on Radio London 266 BIG L played – Rolling Stones : “Have you seen your mother…”, New Vaudeville Band : “Winchester Cathedral”, Four Seasons “ I’ve got you under my skin”, Peter and Gordon “Lady Godiva and Sandpipers “ Guantanamera” . It is very much a typical week, as we know something is building up for next weekend, until then you all take care, the evenings are closing in.     Andre Palfrey-Martin © 2016

Georgie Fame, 10cc, Paul Carrack White Rock Theatre gigs 2014

a couple of interesting gigs coming up at The White Rock Theatre. 21st September – Georgie Fame, 30th October – 10cc, 16th November – Paul Carrack.

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Tim Moose Bruce……saw 10cc 2 years ago. Brilliant, worth going to.

Gary Kinch…….I might just go to the Paul Carrack gig….tempted.

Will Cornell….Heard “How Long” by Ace in the local Kroger (supermarket) the other day…it’d been years since I’d heard it last.

Jim Breeds…..Does anyone associate songs with particular places? “How long” sends me back to The Oddfellows in Ore village. Can’t explain why, it just does. Maybe it was on the juke box a lot.

Gary Kinch……I used to put it on the juke box in the Pump House and Anchor.