Monsters of Glam Rock Sweet and Mud – tour programme – White Rock Theatre Hastings 1990’s

Supplied by Colin Bell

Anyone remember this, or the year? Colin thinks The Glitter Band were also on the bill.

Ian Mantell… it was just Sweet and Mud, Brian Connolly was in a bad way but his voice was still strong. A clue to the date is the use of the expression “Brian Connolly’s Sweet” he and Andy Scott had been in dispute over the name and so agreed to identify which band was playing in the early 90’s

Karen Sweatman… I was there dancing like a prat! Think it was around 91. You might be interested to know around 1990 I saw a band at The Crypt called The Wandering Crutchless with two ex members of Sweet in. They were brilliant

Jan Warren… Sweet are playing at The dlwp, Bexhill on The 21st December!

Ralph Town… I think the story of Sweet Mk1 is one of the saddest in music.

Ken Colley… Definitely Glitter Band as well. My programme has a separate sheet mentioning them too. They were on first. Was 92 or 93 as I only moved to the area in 92 and it wasn’t long after that. Great show!

Colin Bell… Thanks for confirming that Ken, i didn’t think i was dreaming when i said they were!

Matt Thomas… I was in The Yelton on the night of this and Les Gray was in there having a drink. Think it was just after I was out of hospital Alan so around 91

Terry Tollan… I did Les Grays 50th birthday party. I also am a great mate of John Springate .Bass and singer and song writer of the Glitter band too.



G Band (The Glitter Band) – Hastings Pier 4th June 1976



G BAND – HASTINGS PIER 4th June 1976

On their very first gig as the G Band, the glitter didn’t shine as expected. Among fainting fans, the G Band made their entrance but gone has the opening impact of the effective drum beats, instead under the spotlight appeared an unknown keyboard player which you could not hear during the whole set! Loud screams greeted the rest of the band and they played safe by starting with ‘Angel Face’ but because of sound problems this wasn’t that recognisable until half way through. They continued with a couple of unknown songs including a reggae number which was leaving the audience a bit restless and it didn’t help matters when they moved on with a terrible version of the ‘Lorraine Ellison’ classic ‘ Stay With Me’. It was apparent that the group seemed nervous and unsure but the tables soon turned when they performed ‘Tears I Cried’ and the new hit single ‘Don’t Make Promises’  with Gerry playing the banjo!  From ‘So Is The Sun’ to the Spencer Davis cover ‘Gimme Some Lovin’ to ‘People Like You & People Like Me’ and to finish the set ‘Goodbye My Love’. The audience got them back on stage  for the encore ‘Tell Him’.   reviewed by Johnny Mason for Melody Maker


here’s an older gig ad:


John Storer… I have no idea why I went to see them. My Aunt Margaret’s cousin, John Springate, was in the band (and still is) but that nebulous familial connection probably wouldn’t have dragged me to the Pier to see them. Can only assume a girl I fancied told me she was going! I was a million miles away from being the “coolest kid on the block” back then, and don’t think I ever let on I’d been to see them – they were a pop group, for goodness sake!  I do remember, however, that I was really surprised at how good they were live. Haven’t seen John since my cousin’s wedding several years back, but did meet a couple of the band about 6 years ago when they were still involved in legal wranglings over the name and royalties owed from back in the 70s. Almost choked on my tea when I looked at their Wiki page and saw one Roger Carey had once been in the line-up!  Does anyone have a photo of Roger dressed in silver foil and stack heels?

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Felix 30th April, Seventh Heaven 15th May, Damaris 22nd May, Glitter Band 4th June – Hastings Pier 1976

1551663_406866982792098_1166577338_n 1796499_406867056125424_981927051_n-2

all cuttings Sarah Harvey

Sarah Harvey…..Some Pier adverts featuring local bands… Felix and Damaris from April and May 1976 respectively.

Phil Thornton…..Damaris, were a great band, they supported Stallion a few times.

Yvonne Cleland….Felix! Great band!

Andy Qunta….I  remember Felix – they were excellent!

Chris Meachen…..Seventh Heaven came from the Isle of Wight, they were kind of early jazz funk

Mick O’Dowd…..Keep ’em coming Sarah!

Kev Towner… “Juvenile Fashion Parade” – how things have changed!!

Chris Boorman… Pretty sure I was at the Glitter Band gig!

Claire Triance.. How things change best summer hot

Richard Lavender… Remember the news of the world fishing comp. Won several rods over the years in that.

Dave Lelliott… Packed out at the Glitter Band

Nick Webb… Nice to see the Poster with my friends band Damaris on

Robert Searle… We supported The Glitter Band at the Pier when we were Easy Street,can’t say it was this date though. By the way, they were brilliant.

Iain Cobby… Nice to hear from Nick Webb, was that the Damaris we used green house pellets as smoke bombs and sent the audience of french students back 10 feet coughing and choking? I’m sure that was the gig that I have a recording of………………….

Dave Nattress… Iain, we definitely tried some pyrotechnics a few times – quite possibly your idea old chap or maybe Paul’s. Nick I remember you very well – best regards after 40 years!

Nick Webb… Cheers guys those where the days or night lol