Name A Movie That Has Great Music

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John Coleman… Top gun, last of the Mohicans, Trainspotting,”The Graduate, “Full metal jacket! The deer hunter! So many! What about a band for film themes! Anyone interested? Also the Spice Girls movie!

Alan Esdaile… Rider, Breaking Glass, Good Morning Vietnam.

Nastassja Kaschevsky… Casino, Forrest Gump!

Neil Cartwright… Vanilla Sky.

James Johnson… Quadrophenia, Breaking Glass, Commitments, Trainspotting

Tim Moose Bruce… Tommy, Purple Rain, Xanadu. Sat Night Fever. Grease. The Wall and the early Floyd film soundtracks. Flash Gordon. Spinal Tap. The films about Ian Dury and Michael Jackson. Cant remember what they called.

Tony T Bone Bell… Crossroads !

Jeanette Jones… Ez You’ve got most of the good ones straigh off the bat

Lloyd Johnson… The Good, Bad and the Ugly….

Simon Page… Dancer in the Dark

John Wilde… American Beauty and everything by Quinten Tarantino. Tron Legacy

Will Cornell… The Long Riders…best movie about Jesse James ever. And any other film where Ry Cooder does the soundtrack.

Dave Valentine… Midnight Express. Ghost Dog. On Her Majesty ‘s Secret Service.

Sue Salmon Holmes Mock… forest gump, the commitments, Good morning Vietnam

Gareth Huggett… Carlito’s Way

Julian Dunkley… Whistle in the wind

Stephen Moran… Apocalypse Now…

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