Sus supplied by Paul Edmonds

Photo © Chris Beaumont. 

Paul Edmonds… The picture is three quarters of Sus….. Paul Edmonds (lead vocals and rhythm guitar), Les Norman (lead guitar) and Paul Waite (drums), fourth regular member Jim Kidman (bass guitar) not around that day. Photo taken by Chris Beaumont. Les Norman and Paul Waite ventured on to be half of Planets with Chris Meachen and Min.

John Wilde… Who are these guys?!

Andy Wright… Looks like Eddie’s house….went to several parties there! All good friends when I lived in Hastings, Les and Paul were classmates, and Chris M became a good friend also.

Tracy Birrell… I went to school with Les and went out with him for a while. Anyone know what happened to Les?

Steppin’ Out – Archery Tavern Christmas Eve 1977


supplied by Paul Dengate

Paul Dengate…. I’ve checked through my diaries and I reckon this was taken at the Steppin’ Out “party night” at the Archery, Eastbourne, 24th December 1977. Used to do the sound for the band, but this was probably a special party-piece. L-R: Wesley Magoogan, Ray Fenwick, Paul Dengate, Martyn Baker, Roger Hubbard. Drummer is possibly Andy Knight.or Kevin Hoad.

Andy Qunta… Great band!

Nigel Ford… Was Tich Turner in Steppin’ Out at some point,…soon after he left Stallion, I seem to remember?

Alan Esdaile.. Yes your right Nigel. Here’s a press photo from 1977…


John Wilde… One word. Hair.

Wesley Magoogan… Serious flairs!

Martyn Baker… Yeah, nice pair of lionels Wesley but I think if there was a biscuit around then Paul would have taken it.

Paul Dengate… Yes.

Dave Nattress… Samisen played the Archery Tavern once when I was with them – mid-week I think and If I remember correctly it was one of those gigs where the unappreciative audience had just about made double figures.

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Smokestack Lightning & The Negative Earth Band. Hillcrest School. 8th Dec 1978




11879294_10207101356835373_6331083406830054878_o-3 11879294_10207101356835373_6331083406830054878_o-5

supplied by Mike Mitchell. 

with Brett Taylor, Allen Blackford, Gary Bryant and Adrian Smith.

Martin Richter… name & shame? is that Dave Blackman & Eddie Mays?

Peter Fairless… Oh, now that’s fantastic! I think this was The Teenbeats’ first gig, too!

Mark Syrett… Saw Smokestack at Tackleway youth club at about the same time. Dave looks so young rip.

Mick O’Dowd… Good band.

Mick Mitchell… I remember there gig well. Lots of very exuberant to!punks and skins

supplied by Ken Copsey



Johnny Smith and The Chevs


supplied by Gordon Humphries via Hastings Groups from 1958 to The Present

Johnny Smith and the DJ4 later to become Johnny Smith and the Chevs, L-R = Dave Johnson (Drums) Gordon Humphries (Rhythm Guitar) Dermot Murphy (Bass Guitar) Johnny Smith must be behind the camera. No picture of him available – YET! Played in the George Street Market Hall (Hastings) the Pier and many other local venues between 1961 and 1963

Nigel Livermore… Dave Johnson, Dermot Murphy and Gordon Humphries were in my year at the Hastings Grammar School from 1956-61. Smith was older than us, and rode around on a 350cc Douglas Mark IV motorbike with Harley Davidson ‘ape-hanger’ handlebars and scalloped flames on the tank. Always considered a very cool guy, with Steve McQueen-style hair. We used to get together at the Fiesta coffee bar in 1961. Johnson died from cancer a few years back, and Smith had a head injury after a scooter accident later on, leading to severe brain damage. Tragic! Many of us used to go every week to the Market Hall concerts, including Bob (Robert John) Lambert and Paddy (Terence Donovan) Flynn (who bought Johnny’s Douglas later on). Any of them still alive?

Lloyd Johnson… great group!…saw them along with The Talismen at the Market Hall George Street…and use to go to The Sombrero after with Henry from The Talismen…The Sombrero was a coffee bar near The Pumphouse…they had Ride of the Valkyries of the jukebox….

More Tea Vicar – Marina Pavilion – 27th July 1992

photos & cuttings Jonathan Middleton



poster supplied by Karen Sweatman 

Ian Ellis……Oh god! Just had to check thru calendars with mon 27 July on them. Nineteen Ninety Two!!

Karen Sweatman….We were young!

Jonathan Middleton… We were rock God’s (well, for one night maybe) that rocked the Marina Pavilion. With all the years that have gone by, I still can’t play the guitar!

Midnight Shift – 1974

10167959_10201864419555643_9113108427298372408_nsupplied by Richard Turner

Royal Albert…..Far right is our dad Gordon Turner

Patricia Turner…..Big al ryder rhythm and lead guitars glyn brown vocals chris claton drums gordon turner bass guitar


Glynn Brown… I am Glynn Brown the singer with the Midnight Shift. I have lived in Australia since 1976 and lost touch with the other band members. Would love to get back in contact with them.

Happy to pass on any messages

Sam Lord… No help about the band but I’m sure it’s the same Glynn Brown I worked with on the GPO in the mid sixties, be nice to contact him to find out! I think it was 1966 Hastings GPO. It’s not a good picture but I’m sure it’s him, his nick name was “Jumbo”

Glynn Brown…  I never worked for the GPO, but my brother Gareth did and has only recently retired, he still lives in Hastings. I worked at Butler & Phillips in Queens Road, long since gone.

Wendy Weaver… Love the outfits

Cris Kennard(Barnett)… is that Chris Clayton 2nd from right or a lookalike ?

Richard Turner… Yes it is Chris Clayton.

Glynn Brown… Yes that is Chris Clayton, as Richard Turner has said. I don’t know what happened to him, last I heard was that he had moved to London.

Sue Howe… My dad is Chris Clayton he lives in Hastings not London. Good to see a old photo of him. Chris is going to hopefully join Facebook if so he will be in contact.

Jean Philippe Lault… Glynn Brown, HI how are you ? I would like to know if you have made a vinyl record or demo audio cassette, as I search for rock n roll groups 1970 1980 more photo for my collection

Francesc Josep… Good morning, I am looking for information about the Midnight Shift group, I would like to know if the Talisman group really has any relationship with the Midnight Shift, in turn if this last Rock and Roll group published an album, thank you very much for your help. Also I would like to know, like Jean Philippe Lault, if there are recordings of Midnight Shift, thank you very much for the information Greetings from Catalonia.
Dj Rockin´Badalona “Eddie-Cesc”

Jean Philippe Lault… hello everyone, sent several emails to Glynn Brown, to have news of my request if there were records, demo, audio cassette or others, photos etc…. kind regards

Jean Philippe Fault… HI how are you? I would like to know if you have made a vinyl record or demo audio cassette, as I have searched for rock n roll groups from 1970 to 1980. I want  more photos for my collection and I have sent email to Glynn Brown but no news since. Kind regards


Sam Tripp with Allan Turner on vocals & Ollie on drums – 1970’s

supplied by Hastings Groups from 1958 to the present

Allan Turner, Jeff Hobson, Ollie, Bob Shipway.

Chris Sambrook….The same Allan Turner from Rediffusion from 1970/1971. Had a band called Artus in 1971. On bass John Davies and on keyboards Nigel Banks. Would be nice to see him again

Mick Mepham… You there, Turner, man up and be more forceful this instant!! Don’t you just love write-ups? At least it was positive …

Chris Baker… Didn’t know Bob Shipway was with them. Lost touch when he moved to Bexhill. Love to know where he is now.

Allan Osbourne… Can anyone help with any information regarding the members of Sam Tripp and where they might be now. I was the front man for the band back in the early seventies. Bob Shipway bass, Ollie drums, Jeff on telecaster and myself , then Allan Turner as lead singer. I would be gratefull for any info as to present whereabouts of the others . My E mail address is  Thank you.

Allan Osbourne.. Thanks to people who were kind enough to respond concerning Sam Tripp and Arktuss. Bob Shipway is living in Scotland and married and Nigel Banks is living in New Zealand. If anyone knows the whereabouts of John Davis or Jeff Hobson , please contact me on Email any information would be greatly appreciated. Allan Osborne of both Sam Tripp and Arktuss. Thanks!

Tony and the Defiants – 1967/68


supplied by Hastings Groups from 1958 to the present

L-R Tony Kenward, Dave King, Dave Gibb, Peter Head, Noel d’Abo

Mike Waghorne… Was Noel d’Abo Mike d”Abo’s brother ? who’s parents live at The Grange Sea road Bexhill old town !

Alan Esdaile… Yes Mike.

Clare Torry… I remember him fondly, bless him. A good guy. Mike ( if you remember me ! ) my love to you and the family.

Martin Richter… fantastic clothes

Deborah Alexander… My brother was Stuart Alexander, manager/roadie for the Defiants. Anyone remember him?

Lloyd Johnson.. So sad that Noel passed away he was a good friend….we had a lot of fun messing around being a closet band …..

Deborah Scott-Bromley… Noel and Dave Gibb were in the Defiants along with Ray Flack when my brother was with them

The Inset – around 1964 – Railway Club St Leonards. Also UJB and Andy Franks.


Supplied by Peter Gladwish

Peter Gladwish… This was my first proper band which was started when we were all still at school. We used to rehearse at St Helens Youth Club, by St Helens Church on the ridge and in Andy Franks parents’ garage in King Edward Avenue. I would have been about 14 when we did this gig at the old Railway Club in St John’s Road, next to Warrior Square station, sadly no longer there.  Line up (L-R): David Crouch (Bass), David Gore (Vocals), Andy Franks (Rhythm guitar), John Eldridge (Drums), Peter Gladwish (Lead Guitar/Vocals), David Gladwish (Vocals).

Geoff Peckham… Well I never! I became good friends with Andy Franks in Worthing in 1982. We played together in Uncle John’s Band for almost two decades, and had other musical adventures. I believe his dad was a teacher at Hastings Grammar, or even Head? Andy was a lovely man who succumbed to cancer five years ago. Great to see a picture of him in a band during his Hastings days.

Peter Gladwish… Thanks for your input Geoff . I lost touch with Andy after we left school. I’ve often wondered what became of him and very sad to hear your news.

Geoff Peckham… here’s Andy Franks on the left in 1982 with UJB outside the Spotted Cow in Angmering. I’m next to him, btw.


UJB supplied by Geoff Peckham

Peter Gladwish… Amazing Geoff. Thanks again for posting this; Andy looks just the same. He really was such a nice, placid bloke and a good musician, as I recall. Such a small world.

Mick O’Dowd… Sorry Geoff he didin’t make Head at the Grammar School. Seem to remember his name as Gordon? Franks and was, if I remember correctly, an art teacher.

Peter Gladwish… Correct Mick. He was my art master.

Chris Meachen… ‘Arty’ Franks was possibly my favourite teacher at school. He let us have a record player in the tiny ‘O’ level art room & generally gave us far more freedom than most..


Hippo Band – around 1985

hippo band 1985

supplied by Hastings Groups from 1958 to the present Facebook page.

Peter Webb, Steve Blattman, Steve Elliott, Gerry Fortsch.

Lynda Caine… Also played regular at The New Broom pub to a packed house. Very popular when Pat and Adrian ran the pub on Broomgrove Estate. As my mum would say they were fantastic, I remember trying to get to sleep in the flat upstairs my bedroom was above them playing on a Saturday night great memories .

Gerry Fortsch… Sorry if we kept Lynda awake all those years ago but I am sure it was more down to the Sea Gulls chanting that was also heard every night. Great memories. I had many happy drinks with Pat and Adrian can any one tell me what became of them?

Lynda Caine… Hi Gerry yes I certainly can tell you Pat and Adrian moved around the country managing pubs and finally settled or should I say retired down in Dorset where sadly Adrian passed away.  Pat (mum) will be 80 this November is happily settled in Dover with me (daughter ) and she said to tell you she still has Hippos cassette tapes to this day, she has kept them they’ve traveled with her and she’s so pleased to read your comment as she has so many great memories of The New Broom and your band . Her words fantastic.

Gerry Forsch… Sorry to hear about Adrian but it is lovely to get your message, give mum my love please. Cheers Gerry. ❤❤