Royal Sussex Arms – December 1994, Revelation, Mosaic, The Pullbacks.


supplied by Phil Little. Hastings Music Files.

Mick O’Dowd… Isn’t that the chemists now?

Alan Esdaile… Yes that’s right Mick. Used to go in the pub after The Round Table Youth Club. Probably a glass of scruppy cider between six people!

Mick O’Dowd… Now you can go in the chemist for pain relief for the hangover!

Climax Blues Band plus Joe’s Blooze Band – Hastings Pier 9th May 1998 – poster & review

img688   img535

img538 img537 img092 img093 chicagobluesbandreview1 chicagobluesbandreview2

photos by John Kenward supplied by Hastings Music Files – Phil Little

David Evans… Looks like the photographer tried to get the whole band in the photo but couldn’t get it right.

Alan Esdaile… Nice one David.

Colin Fox… Johnny Sax live just up the road from me here in Spain. He used to play with Climax Blues Band. Very popular in the clubs and bars.


photo Colin Fox

Ken Russell… Great band.

Riverboys – end of an era – December 1997 and Memphis Flyers chat.


supplied by Phil Little Hastings Music Files.

Featuring Mark Hardwick on double bass. Great set by his band Memphis Flyers on the pier.

Ernest Ballard… Done more than a few gigs with the River Boys. Great band.

Joe Knight… THEY WERE GREAT!! they use to play at the Railway club ; drummer use to go behind bar and play on the optics

Mick O’Dowd… I know there were only a handful of people watching in the pouring rain but I must point out that The Memphis Flyers did an excellent set on the pier in atrocious weather. Well done guys!

Andre Martin… I agree with you on that, shame that the band did not have the audience that they really deserved, catch them again sometime and you will be very pleased.


Shine – The Carlisle Hastings 1997

shine-1 shine-3 shine


photos by John Kenward. Supplied by Phil Little Hastings Music Files. Write up Val Jones.

Glenn Hoile, Richard Marsh (in background), Martin Richter and Chris Syrett.

Martin Richter… lol – you left out the nicknames   me on bass – Glenn Hoile on vocals, Richard marsh (big veg) on geetar (background) 3rd pic is Chris Syrett (Ronnie retro)

Karen Sweatman was Blackman… Loved Shine 😊🎼

Moya Wilson…. How funny talked about them on NYE and heard them on the radio yesterday

Martin Richter… Retro always made me laugh 🙂 he`d pull out the most awful chord which rattled fillings and bounced pint glasses from their shelves and look round as though it was his Amp`s fault – happy days 🙂

Glenn Hoile… Blimey! Good times. Still remember Martins poster for the band! Wonder if anyone else does? It was a pic of Gordon banks!

Pugwash – London Trader March 1998


photo by John Kenward. Supplied by Phil Little Hastings Music Files

Stuart Huggett… Bloody great band.

Louis Wiggett… Chris Jordan on Drums, his brother John (Jordan) on Bass, and Tim Phillips on vocals. I can’t remember the guitarist’s name?