Hastings Old Town July 1965

photo © Chris Roberts  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Matt Thomas… How clean it looks

Tony Court-holmes… when the old town was the old town and not london by the sea

Rob Tickner… Not a pothole in sight!

Patrick Lewis… Not trying to be political but if the 1980’s were when street cleanliness etc declined it might have a lot to do with the Thatcher government. Local Authority funding from central government was reduced and there was pressure on LA’s to tighten their spending and limit rate rises. Hence LA’s had less money to spend on public services, irrespective of the political colour of the council.

Graham Sherrington… before me mum passed away she used to talk about clean Hastings, then the 1980’s arrived and she would say how the local council lost interest in sweeping the streets cleaning the gutters etc, bless her she was right, I came home to see her for the last time in 2018 she passed in 2019 at 99. Hastings was a shyte hole I did not see any rubbish bins in the town, crap was everywhere, dog pooh all over the pavements and on the prom. Shameful.

John Evo Ballard… East Sussex Highways look this is how roads should be!



Hastings Old Town – July 1970

photo © David Christie. Shared from Sam Tillson https://www.facebook.com/sam.tillson.7

Sam Tillson… Hastings Old Town, July 1970. A brief moment of tranquility before the boom of seasonal holiday-makers and tourists flood this (dare I say formerly) charming part of the East Sussex coast finds a member of the fondly remembered Southdown Motor Services fleet working her way to another of the south coast of England’s once-enviable seaside resorts. Making up some of the little number of other road vehicles, a Bedford “Hi-” van, an early Volkswagen T1 Combi and what would most likely be a brand-new Ford Capri all feature. I’d hazard a guess at the black car facing away is an Early Austin 1100 or similar mark, but I’m open to correction. It’s an education after all. Aside from its obvious claim to fame regarding the 1066 battle (which actually took place on Senlac Hill, 8 miles to the north west), Hastings is one of the few towns in Britain to retain a funicular railway. Opened in 1902, the East Hill Cliff Railway – also know as the East Hill Lift – is now regarded as the steepest funicular in the UK and also features a section of tunnel, highly unusual for such a system. The upper station stands proud in the backdrop of this photograph. Southdown No.1142 (XUF 142) – a Leyland Tiger Cub with attractive Weymann “Fanfare” bodywork – was one of fifteen new in the first quarter of 1960 (Nos.1130-1144). Despite not being numerically the last, No.1142 was the final example to be delivered and the only one to arrive in April. The 37-seater coaches were new for domestic tours, undertaking both local and long-distance duties across Britain. By the time this image was captured the coach would have another three years in service with Southdown, already downgraded to standard coaching duties. She’s working the jointly-operated “South Coast Express” service, acting as either a stand-in for a newer vehicle or a duplicate on this lengthy, scenic route between Margate and Bournemouth via several other coastal locations. Image: David Christie.

Patricia Burgess… Love it

Peter Houghton… What a great photo

Peter Ellingworth… Ah, the old Southdown livery…like the M&D green and cream. So much better than the bland standardised National Bus colours from the mid-seventies onwards.

Paul Coleman… Great pic. A little bit more to the left & the fishermen’s huts would have been in it too! I think you are correct & that is indeed an Austin 1100.

Tracy Birrell… Lovely photo. I would love to live in the Old Town but unfortunately I’m across the border in Hollington Hillbilly Heaven.


Ice Cream Shop East Beach Street Old Town Hastings – 1970’s

Photo credit: Unknown

Alan Esdaile… my aunties ice cream shop, 1970’s.

these from my cousin – possibly late 1950’s?

Carol Ann Bolton…Flares!

Kaz Baker… more worried about the trunks

Tony Court-holmes… love the flares

Sandra Cunningham… My daughter worked there! For Joan and ???

Harry Randall… I had a pair of trunks like that but got banned from the swimming pool! Didn’t realise the “S” had fallen off the logo!

Kaz Baker… did you team them up with a pair of sandals

Dave Coleman… Remember that little shop very well

Perri Ann Haste… I used to buy a mixed cone from their with strawberry, chocolate & vanilla, he was a lovely patient man

Russell Forrest… Me too! Begged my mum for an ice cream whenever went past

Julie Findlay-Jones… My cousin bought me a silver ring from the shop with the orange canopy in the 60s still got it.

Jan Warren… Oh thats so beautiful, if only we still had those lovely little shops?! xx

Andy Qunta… Pretty sure I got ice cream from there more than once or twice!

Jacqueline Marsh… Me and my cuz Teddy White who lived behind in the Hastings Wall flats use to go to the shop there that sold Candy Floss. We would get loads of the used sugar, eat tons of it and then come out in a rash which kept us off school. Did it several times until Aunty Nell his mum realised what we had been up to! wonderful memories

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SMART chat show on Carnival FM Friday 5th August 2016 with Chris Gentry & Alan Esdaile

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Thanks to Andre Martin for the SMART chat last night on Carnival FM 87.9. Don’t forget Chris Gentry is back on the radio on Sunday 7th August 2016 5.00pm – 7.00pm. In the meantime don’t miss the retro show tonight 6th August 2016 – 8.00pm – 12.00pm with Sarah Harvey and Tony Davis.

Andre Martin… Have a great Carnival night with Sarah [break a leg] and Tony playing memories of the bands & music of our time in this town.

Sarah Harvey… Carnival 87.9 FM and also online this evening. The Hastings Retro show featuring some of those bands that appeared in and around Hastings in years gone by including local bands such as Die Laughing, Jinks, Spyke, Expandis.

Melody 101 appearing at The Filo on the 20th March 2016



‘art-rock’ quartet from Paris play The Filo on the 20th March 2016  6.30pm, part of their small tour of the UK . If Melody 101 could write their own family tree, their grandparents are The Beatles and Os Mutantes, their parents are Tom Waits and Elton John, their drunken Uncle is Keith Richards and their scary aunty is Nina Simone. Their big sister is Joan as Policewoman and big brother is Father John Misty. Their album “Baked in a Pie” was released independently at the iconic venue, Bus Palladium, Paris in June 2015 where rock critic MaMusicale reviewed: “You don’t feel time passing at a MELODY 101 gig, their universe is captivating and beautiful.” Since this moment the album got airplay on FIP radio, into the ’30 musts of the season’ of Le Figaroscope and into the ‘Sexiest Music’ of MademoiZelle as the quartet toured in France, Germany and the UK.

Grundy – 2001

947235_471753229566418_533155974_n-2supplied by Hastings Groups from 1958 to the present

playing on Carnival night 2001 in the garden of the Royal Standard Pub in Hastings Old Town. RIP Nigel – very much missed. (Clockwise top left to bottom left) Bob Posner, Nigel Davies, Kirk Ronchetti, Clive Davies

Mick O’Dowd….Bob Posner only seems to speak Spanish on Facebook. Is he located in Spain now?

Yvonne Cleland…..He speaks Italian

Stevie Beale…..yes he has moved to Italy permanently now, and doing well in his old band ( dont know the name) but touring etc.

Yvonne Cleland….It’s The Rokes.

Mick O’Dowd…..f you are on FB you can’t miss The Rokes & Rokes Fan Club but most of it is in Italian!

Antonio Piras Scanu….Sei troppo forte…appena posso verrò a vederti cantare!! which translates as….You’re too strong … I will come to see you as soon as I can sing!

Eric Cawthraw…..it must have been about 6 years back that Bob Posner told me he was hoping to go back to Italy and would like to get the old band back. As many of you know, he had a big hit out there in 60s/70s.

Hastings Old Town Week – Early 90’s by Glenn Veness

Any idea what year?

Matt Thomas…..Recognise any of the bands playing? Early 90’s i think

Jim Breeds…..We’ve decided it is multiple years now. 91 and 93 and poss others. Over on HAPP, Sue Read spotted 1993 on the front of a train carnival float at 13:41  but think  multiple years because Rod Smith said that John Martyn clips are from ’91?

Alan Esdaile…..some good shots of John Martyn,  Min and the Expedient Band and notice a split second of Eric Harmer!  Excellent video by Glenn Veness who goes that extra mile to line up various pieces of music ‘Teach The Children’ CSNY and Paul Weller to work with the images on the scene. Must have taken him ages but much appreciated.

Jim Breeds……And yes, I loved the matching u of music. That included J.M. saxophonist being shown during sax breaks on whatever song was used for the soundtrack at that point