Martyn Baker… I’m pretty sure I saw the earthbound there in the mid 70’s. Or did I imagine that gig?
Alan Esdaile… No you didn’t imagine it Martyn, I will repost.
Dave Weeks… Ah the famous support groups ‘ join now’ and ‘free membership ‘ whatever happened to them?
Mick O’Dowd… Just imagine. I stood on stage at The Madness gig on The Pier and stated that they hadn’t played there. Mr Gentry corrected me and for the 2nd time this month i’m on the naughty step! If i’d known they were on I would have gone.
Margaret Trowell… I still go and see Manfred Mann to this day!
Dave Nattress… Well the Manfred’s – seen many times – fabulous – definitely recommend. And of course Hastings’s own Son, Steve Kinch bassist in Manfred Mann’s Earth Band!