Breaking Glass – Classic Cinema Hastings – September 1980

who remembers seeing Breaking Glass at The Classic Hastings?

Tim Brooder… My mum and dad went to the first screening, mum worked for a research company that screened the movies and payed you a quid

Tony Ham… I saw Hazel at The Oasis Club in Rye in 1980 and got my copy of Breaking Glass signed.

Derek Clemans… I saw it at the cinema first time round and I thoughjt it was superb. I watched it again a couple of years ago. I was obviously easily pleased back then.

Barry Upton… Love it


Hazel O Connor – D Days 1981

Gary Kinch…..Nice shot of all the ‘astins lads @1.19……….Took our Mum to see them at the Dome in 198?. Mum looked nice with her knitted cardi and Handbag, dead punk she was. Asked Mum what she thought half way through, she couldn’t hear me because she had cotton wool stuffed in her ears.

Chris Baker….I only knew of Del from Hastings. Which others were from there then?

Alan Esdaile….Chris, as well as Wesley, you should know Steve Kinch & Andy Qunta

Chris Baker….Blimey! I never knew the were in the band too. One of those things that passed me by. Nice to know

Andy Qunta….Those were the D Days!

Steve Kinch….Yeah… not even slightly overdoing it LOL! Looking at that vid again makes me think, that’s probably when I first did my back… it’s never been the same since

Tony Qunta….You certainly were giving it some, Steve! I look very laid back in comparison!

Pete Fisher…..saw you guys at Norwich University, must have been around this time, with Duran Duran supporting (they were awful)….got to say hi to Andy, had no idea Steve was on bass…..great clip!

Mick O’Dowd….Hazel was an very underated singer/performer. I think she was overshadowed by Toyah.