Hollingsworth garage, Braybrooke Road Hastings – 1999 video

© Andy & Steve Clifton

Andy & Steve Clifton… Ford garage, Braybrook Road, Hastings. Vintage piece from Steve & Andy’s archive’s

Terry Tollan… I worked there 1974 in the stores to earn money to do my trip hitch hiking to India overland…With my two brothers.

Stuart Moir… My friend Don Climpson worked for them in sales. RIP mate, I miss our water skiing .


Hollingsworth Garage Braybrooke Road Hastings

photos Michael Sherwood https://www.facebook.com/michael.sherwood.79274089

Michael Sherwood… Hollingsworth garage, Braybrooke Road. Not sure of the date but this is when they had just closed down.

Chris Meachen… Used to get my petrol there occasionally ..

Ray Barry… Why has the site never been developed? It looks an eyesore now

Alan Esdaile… I always thought that if they are not doing anything with it, they could turn it into a cheap all day car park.

Kay Grey… I periodically try to persuade the council to get the remains of that sign taken down – it’s now a smashing view for people strolling along to the park, but would be better without that chunk of scrap metal in the middle of it.

David Martin… I used to fill up there too served by Clem .

Andy Crouch… I used to work in there in my school holiday learning to be a mechanic. Clem was a lovely man.

Alan Wood… Think Reedy served in there

David Edwards… I presume that the ground is contaminated as result of leaky fuel tanks and oil.

Alan Esdaile… Yes you could be right David and I think a number of people have applied to build houses on it in the past.

Darren Edwards… That would of been mid 80’s I think.

Oliver Leonard… 1990s

Pat Sleet… 1995 it closed I think???

Nigel Ford… I dated the receptionist girl Sandra Greenaway who was Hastings Carnival Queen later that year ’77. Not heard of her since, anyone know her? She lived along Bexhill Road opposite Harley Shute Road.

Kay Grey… They’ve just put out a planning application on it. They’ve been angling for years for permission to build rich people houses with no affordables, hence the long delay. It’s not just the contamination though, it’s all the springs that come up in Braybrooke Road. That land, as it sits, may look useless but it does a fair bit of soaking away – do we really want even more water pouring down into Queens Road?

Ralph Town… The place was part of our growing up, eh Pete.The noise would wake me early on a weekend,as I lived in one of the bungalows opposite.

Peter Fairless… Indeed, Ralph. I had a green Hotwheels Mercury Cougar that went down that slope faster than anything!