Ian Gillan Episode Six – Hastings Pier

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source from: Tonny Steenhagen. Unknown photographer.

Deep Purple Appreciation Society say… I was hunting for old pics taken on Hastings pier the other day (one of my other projects is researching commercial outdoor portrait photography 1920 – 1960!), after all the press given to the new award winning pier building there. I quickly got diverted by pictures of Episode Six who not only played a number of one-nighters clubs in Hastings, but also appeared in the Pier Ballroom itself in 1968. This unseen shot of IG was taken on Hastings Pier by one of the band’s fan-club members earlier that day, and was sent to me by Tonny Steenhagen. I think this shelter was one of the only buildings to survive the fire a few years ago and has now been restored. Time for another blue plaque?

Jim Breeds… That’s possibly the biggest business card I’ve ever seen.

Pete Fairless… Great find. I think the description is mistaken, though. I’d say, this was taken further down the pier. What do you think?

Alan Esdaile… Yes definitely further down the pier Pete. Trying to look through the window, looks like the doors before you reach the bar possibly? Pete Brazier maybe able to confirm?

Andy Pilkington…  hazarding a guess thats by the old penny arcade

Roy Penfold… I would say the same as Alan – most definitely the windows adjacent to the Penny arcade and just before the bar on the old town side of the pier.

Jim Breeds… He probably stepped outside to have a smoke on the water.

Pete Brazier… Yes I Can!..………(pause for dramatic effect lol)…….. The give away is the little casement window at the extreme left (as you look at it) “it’s the side window to the little caff at the end of the pier, before the lobby with the duel stair cases to the upper ball room and the second lobby with the Pub on the Pier, Toilets and main ballroom doors, just too his left are the windows to the Lady’s toilets and then the anglers club! In the red Circle!…

Rad Cheslav… Hi I try to find an email address or contact with dear Tonny Steenhagen. Maybe he has the Ian Paice interview from Disc Magazine 1972 on July 15. Best wishes.