Isle of Wight Festival August 1970

from Psychedelic Lounge

Kevin Burchett… I went to this with a gorgeous German girl met at the Cobweb, we hitch hiked there

Patrick Lewis… Incredible line up

Chris Jolly… It was amazing

Claire Kelly-Triance… I was there as a kid on holiday remember my nan saying as we sat on beach that the yobs had mad a load of litter and how disgusting it was and they all need haircut. Can remember it like yesterday . Wish I’d been there.

Tony Court-holmes… i think i went there

Alan Wood… There !!!

Kevin Burchett… And we didn’t have to pay, they had already broken the fences down

Sound On Sound Magazine – Charlie Watkins, Isle of Wight Festival and The Who

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The Who photo © Jean-Luc Ourlin

Those nice people at Sound On Sound magazine have been in contact and I was happy to help them with a forthcoming article they are doing about Hastings Pier. They also sent us these very interesting links about 70s-era sound/PA equipment to share with our group. – A Charlie Watkins retrospective (he of Watkins / WEM fame) – A piece about the Isle Of Wight live sound An interview with Bob Pridden (The Who’s live sound engineer since the very beginning)

Pete Fisher… coincidentally this is what I looked at yesterday when I posted the clip of Taste at the IOW festival, and wanted to find out more about the Wem PA system…good read!

Roy Penfold… That used to be essential reading back in the day. Is it still available? I know there is the website but haven’t seen the magazine anywhere for a long time.

Alan Esdaile… Magazine is still available Roy.

Pete Fisher… And on Facebook.