ITT Consumer Products (UK) Ltd, Theaklen Drive, St Leonards – Job Ad 1974 & 1978


Matt Thomas… My mum worked here

Alan Esdaile… notice the wages

Pauline Richards… And the part time hours ‘for women’

Cliff Wootton… I worked there from 1974 to 1978. Started on the factory floor and worked my way up to draughtsman, illustrator and tech pubs specialist. Happy days

Paul Morfey… Both me and my wife ( janette) worked at ITT in Hastings in the 70ts. That is where we met. We just celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary!

Pete Prescott… I worked there as a temp in 78. I was in the buying dept with Keith Garnsey.

Dave Nattress… Wages – and if I read it right, unequal rates for males/females doing the same job? Certainly though a major player ITT. I had several friends who worked there in different roles or who took different rolls to work, (ham, cheese and pickle and salmon and cucumber being well popular). Of the illustrations on the advert I’m sure many of us had their products. I actually had the radio, cassette player/recorder, (2 of them, used for band rehearsals), and my parents had , the music centre at one time albeit not the best HiFi. Another local name and employer long gone.

Peter Millington… My father Bob Millington worked there managing the Stores Dept. between about 1966 to about 1978. He also organised all the dances at the White Rock and the Queens Hotel, a busy chap!

Paul Bryant… My mother worked there for a short time,remember the Christmas party they used to throw for employees children

Ralph Town… See how repressed women were back then. Different wage rates for men and women. Terrible.

Jan Warren… I worked for British Radio Corporation, Beeching Road, Bexhill in 1971/72 they were soon taken over by ITT!! – I enjoyed working for BRC, lots of my schoolfriends were there, it was fun, nice atmosphere, happy days!!

Richard Johnstone… I worked there from 73 to 78 in production planning. We had 3 categories of production workers – high skilled males, low skilled males and females!  Doing different jobs – women on the component assembly lines, men (skilled) on testing and fault correction and men (low skilled) on jobs known as ‘hauling and mauling’. No overlap between the sexes

Peter Ulyatt… I worked there from 1963ish to 1979 when my wife, 3 kids and I emigrated to Australia. When I started it was known as KB (Kolster Brands). I started checking radios as they came off the assembly line. If they worked, I calibrated them ready for dispatch. If they didn’t work they got put on one side for a technician to fix it. A couple of years later I became one of those technicians. When ITT took it over, can’t remember when, I started working on TVs as a technician and worked up to being a Test Diagnostician. Then came the start of colour TV. A screen about 12 ” across In a massive cabinet full of valves. You needed an asbestos suit to work on them. Good days and a good company to work for.

Pete Prescott… I worked in the purchasing department for a month (temping) in early 78 with Keith Garnsey. amazing guy.

Terry Corder… My first job was there in 1968!

Harry Randall… Did you make it?

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ITT Consumer Products Ltd R&D team 1972

photo © Roy Acland

Roy Acland… the ITT Consumer Products R&D team from 1972. It’s taken at Foots Cray site and later in the year the team relocated to Hastings and about half of those shown moved to the new site.

Chris Baker… bonuses to work there I believe

Terry Hopper… I travelled to Foots Cray for 3 months by coach every day with Dave Vast and helped to move the model / proto type workshop to Hastings where I then worked until 1978 when it was relocated to Basildon

ITT Consumers Products shut down Ponswood Industrial Estate, St Leonards 1979

supplied by Haydn Betchley

Steve Glover… My dad Dennis Glover worked there from when it started in 1962 until it closed, he had the option to relocate to a new site but decided to take early retirement. If I remember right, in the early 70’s he together with some of his charge hands help set up assembly lines at new locations like Rhyl. It seems ITT would think nothing of relocating if business rates and labour rates were lower else where. At its peak in Hastings, and including the night shift it employed about a 1,000 staff, big blow to the town when it closed.

Chris Greet… It actually moved to an empty STC factory in Basildon in Essex. They moved because of the poor transport route up the A21. The road was mainly single carriageway in the 70s and not ideal for articulated Lorrie’s.  Sadly. ITTs business manufacturing televisions didn’t last very long after the move. The Japanese completion was too strong and the Basildon site closed for television manufacture in the late 80s.

Ken Hatch… Probably around the start of the rot setting in to Hastings manufacturers and major employers. Many followed suit over the next 10-15 years, I guess business rates were an issue as even Computing Devices (a relatively young company then) opened an extension in Eastbourne rather than Hastings at some point.

Jude Montague… thank you for the articles