Factory – Mallet Hall Bexhill (early rehearsals) 1970



supplied by Lol Cooksey

‘Jaffa’ (Geoff Peckham) Bass, Lol Cooksey Drums, Andy Qunta Lead Vocals 12 String Guitar, Tony Qunta Lead Guitar.

Yvonne Cleland… Lovely x Bexhill’s produced its fair share of musicians!

Phil Gill… Nice to see a pic of Tony Qunta playing the WEM Sapphire. You sold that guitar to me about a year later Tone, remember?

Geoff Peckham… Can anyone identity the bass I’m playing? I don’t remember it.

Phil Gill… Is it a Vox of some sort Geoff? I’m more concerned that you’re apparently possessed by demons in the first pic.

Geoff Peckham… That’s right – I think it is a Vox. Yes that’s a strange picture isn’t it. I sent it to Andy as a Halloween card! I blame it on Lol. He still has the power…..

Andy Qunta… Yes, Lol has always had the power!  I don’t remember that bass at all, Jaffa! I thought you always had a Fender Mustang! Don’t remember Tone’s WEM Sapphire either! I remember what I had for breakfast today though, so no need to worry yet!

Geoff Peckham… Yes, Andy. And I still have the Fender Mustang – always a pleasure to play but the pick-ups are shot so hardly any volume. Does anyone out there know of any way I can replace or repair them without spoiling the guitar? I think I had an Antoria bass at some stage, before buying the Mustang

Tony Qunta…. Phil, thanks for reminding me re selling the WEM guitar to you – I had completely forgotten about that! I’m pretty sure that was Andy’s originally. (photo no 4) My Miles Davis pose! 🙂

Phil Gill… It was a great guitar. I liked it a lot, but eventually traded it for this:


Steve Kinch… great to see these old shots

Mick Mepham… You can get the pickups rewound I believe, as long as they aren’t hermetically sealed …..Also, the bass looks a bit like a Danelectro (maybe)

Phil Gill… Try my pal James Collins at http://www.jamescollinsguitars.com/ I think he’s in Mayfield. Or if you fancy a pick up expert and are prepared to post to USA, I highly recommend Curtis Novak. He made me a great set of Strat pickups: http://curtisnovak.com/pickups_bass.shtml

Mick Mepham… Jaffa, are you actually the devil in disguise? Those eyes …..