Jim Hobbs… Northern Soul, a genre of music that time forgot but not forgotten by fans of real music.
photos & cuttings supplied by Jozef Maxted
Mark Edir… Thursday nights.
Alan Esdaile… Thursday nights used to be a big night out with Steve Maxted, not sure how we managed to make work or school! on a Friday? Getting back home late was a problem. Have you been drinking alcohol, no honest it was only Corona dandelion & burdock or something else. Smoking was a bit more difficult you couldn’t get away with the excuse of walking past a bonfire more than once.
Mark Edir… Exactly no idea how I did it back then , I know today it would take me 2 days to recover. Remember George the non stop dancer , I think he was called George.
Alan Esdaile… Yes it was George. Remember him, he came from Bexhill.
John Wilde… George was a lovely fella, always smiling and quite well dressed too. Where are you George? Ahh Tamla Motown sunday club. Wonderful memories. Dance dance dance! Very proud and amused to remember I won the Steve Maxted dance off 3 times at the Cobweb. “Uptight” by Stevie Wonder, “How sweet it is”Junior Walker and my favourites go on…
Mick O’Dowd… The Pyramids were a good reggae band was it Train Tour To Rainbow City their single. I believe they also rearranged their name to become Syramip to record Skinhead Moon Stomp.
Alan Esdaile…. Your right on both Mick but the big hit was All Change For The Bakerloo Line.
Mick O’Dowd… Great to see the pictures of the great man. He influenced me alot in the early days and Thursday nights were a must. I won two tickets to see the Yardbirds from him one night but couldn’t find a bird( sorry lady) to go with me so had to sell one of them! DOH!
Caz Simpson… I loved George, always had a slow dance with him. I wonder where he is now.
Tony Davis… You jogged a memory about George. Not only did he dance all night but it was rumoured he used to walk to and from Bexhill. Had some great nights watching and listening to Steve Maxted.
Mark Edir… Yes I believe he did walk home to bexhill now you say it
Caz Simpson… He told me he did, I was amazed at his stamina. To this day I wonder what made him shake so.