Jasper Carrot De La Warr Pavilion Bexhill – 28,29 Nov 1979

Vivienne Gibbs… I remember going to this

Paul Crimin… ‘Well I like it’ said Florence, hopefully…

Kev Towner… “Florence? Drops ’em for sure” said Dougal.

Robert Carey… Was this in the main theatre does anybody know? I am sure he was at the De La Warr Pavilion at a snooker presentation night for the local Royal British Legion but cannot find anything on this.

Vivienne Gibbs… yes it was in the main theatre

Mick O’Dowd… Thank goodness he put The Magic Roundabout on the b-side of Funky Moped or we would probably not have got to hear it. That was the only reason Funky Moped was a hit at all as the BBC wouldn’t play The Magic Roundabout!

Barry French… I saw Jasper Carrot at the White Rock, cant recall the year but it was certainly mid to late 1970s. The only joke I recall was ” Flew into Lydd Airport, only Airport I’ve been to where you have to cross a cattle grid”