photo source: unknown
Martin Richter… and still do
Alan Esdaile… Reminds me a bit of Jepsons Robertson Street, where they had the top floor full of toys
Martin Richter… the shop by what is now Bar Moda (the town crier, new central, the GI) had an upstairs that was full of kits and lego and meccanno and you could order bits for your chemistry set !
Alan Esdaile… I was thinking of that shop Martin, was it called Arbers? Used to buy horror models like Frankenstein etc.
Martin Richter… my grandparents used to give me 50p pocket money on a Friday and a pack of “top trumps” was 48p – living the dream
Dennis Torrance… Loads of model kits of every description also plastic soldiers the small ones in boxes eight army German loads of them
Mark Praid… When working together Aircraft Models were practically the only thing Peter Sellers and Graham Stark talked about. They both loved them.
Brian Rogers… I was in heaven. Made loads
Alan Parker… yeah many a time I tried to pick Linda Lusardi of the shelf
Pete Brazier… I remember the kits were affordable for kids! Now they are too pricy for most adults 😡 if these company’s halved the prices more people would bye them and those who do already would bye twice as much!
Lyn Humphrey… Smiths, and Gamleys in Bexhill both sold Airfix kits. Me and my friends almost exclusively bought the World War 2 RAF planes like the Spitfire. Although once we’d exhausted them we weren’t averse to buying a few jet fighters.
Will Cornell… The chain over here in the US called Hobby Lobby still has a pretty awesome aisle of models plus the paints and stuff to go along with them. They are the ones who made the news a few years ago by refusing to offer the abortion pill in their health plan, the Govt sued them…and Hobby Lobby took it to the Supreme Court and won. They also have a great deal of stuff to embellish cigar box guitars.