Freeway – brass rock music. 1972


Freeway – A few bands called Freeway. Anyone remember this one from 1972? Joe Milligan, Clive Pearson, Mick Bradley, Dave Greenfield, Tony Savva and Tim Raven.

Janine Anne Hemsley… I wander where they all are now ?

Andy Gunton… Is that the Dave Greenfield who went on to be part of The Stranglers? It sure looks like him.

Colin Norton… Yes, that is the very same Dave ‘Stranglers’ Greenfield.

Pete Shaw… Helen Savva? Your brother?

Dave Greenfield’s pre stranglers bubblegum single… in 1975. I have not yet managed to hear the pre-Stranglers groups the Initials (pictured below), Freeway or Credo, but Greenfield’s old prog band Rusty Butler, whose name suggests a particularly arcane.

Colin Norton… It was also pre-Rusty Butler

Harry Randall… Whatever happened to Ron Milligan?

Tim Moose Bruce… Went to a jam night party at 6 Bells at Chiddingly about 10 years ago. Dave Greenfield was there. A load of us with guitars playing different stuff, and we got Dave up on the keys and we did a version of Golden Brown. Great night.

Scoobi Doo… My dad Joe Milligan passed in 2002 and uncle Ron in 2020

Kim Patricia… I so so wish that we could turn back time soo,just to enjoy his stories once again xx

Harry Randall… Scoobi, I was in your Dads band with Ron and Clive in 1967-1968 ” The Lloyd Milligan Sound” an 8 piece Soul Band I was lead vocalist. Went to Keele in Germany but didn’t wait for contract got diddled and ended up just missing a slot at the famous “Star Club” eventually got back to Ostend totally skint sharing a loaf of Rye bread between 8 of us luckily our manager Bill (from 58 club) paid our fare back and we had to race to the Townsend Thorsen ferry to get back they even waited for us!

Scoobi Doo… Wow. Do you remember the white label single my dad had produced? I would love to see a video if there is one available, you were all quite famous. I remember Tony Bird and Clive, Jim, did Tony drive a lotus elise?

Paul Coleman…Yes. Tony did drive a lotus. Red. I think it was fibreglass if i remember right.


Pardon – Safari Club George Street Hastings, Joe Milligan and write up 1974

supplied by Len Benton

Ian McGilvray, Tony Bird and Len Benton.

Photo 2 jamming with Joe Mulligan

Ian McGilvray… Joe was a great sax player.

Scoobi Doo… yes he was very dedicated he was my Dad x my dad Joe passed in 2002 and my uncle Ron passed in 2020

Harry Randall… back in 67-68 I used to sing for his soul band whatever happened to Joe and Ron?  Shouldn’t that be Joe Milligan not Mulligan?

Alan Esdaile… Thanks Harry, have updated.

Ernest Ballard… Tony looks so young

Roy Penfold… I was about to say the same – mind you, he hasn’t changed much over the years

Paula Kerkvliet…. Joe passed away few years ago now . Ron lives in Hastings still.

Harry Randall… Love to catch up with him!

Tony Court-holmes… used to work there

Paula Filler… Hello my name is Paula I am Ron Milligan’s daughter. I just wanted to let you know dad passed away this week peacefully in Hastings

Harry Randall… So sad to hear Ron has passed away. I was lead singer in “The Lloyd Milligan Sound” with Joe and Ron back in 68, we went to Keel in Germany but got diddled on the contract. Had some great times, condolences to all concerned!

Paula Filler… Thank you Harry Randall I bet you all had a fantastic time knowing dad raise a glass as we send him on his way on Wednesday

Ian McGilvray… Thank You for sharing that. RIP Ron

Mark Richards… great shot at The Crypt

Harry Randall…  (Paula) I’ll raise a glass! So sad for your loss! I’d love any photos of us back in 67-68

Paula Filler… I will ask Sue, Joe’s daughter if she has any for you, Harry Randall

Soo Milligan.. Hi I’m Soo, Joes daughter. Sadly my Dad was taken far too soon at the age of 59 in 2002.  I have many photos which I will find and put on. He cried when he had to sell his sax. I’ve only just found this on my Dads 80th birthday, this is amazing and I found all this stuff which I’ve never seen.


Freeway – and the pier zooquarium triodome talk 1970


Freeway-on-the-Pier-1970-3 12208658_10153711182489287_1735319694956151646_n

Freeway on the Pier 1970 - 1 1044518_10200643476027357_1770366352_n


photos supplied by Andy Knight, cuttings supplied by Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection

John Kingdon (Voc), Dave Shaw (Voc), Jime Beadle (Bass), Colin Pierce (Gtr), Joe Milligan (Tenor Sax), Ron Milligan (Baritone Sax), Clive Pearson (Trumpet), Andy Knight (Drums).

some great pictures of Freeway. Taken around 1970 on Hastings Pier.

Yvonne Cleland…..Bonitas! That was the name I forgot.

Philip Meston….. I remember Bonita’s, but not the Freeway Show Band

Andy Qunta….Great band! Freeway were great, and very ambitious with the brass section! 

Ralph Towns… I remember the zoo that was in there .I think a copy of the Bayeux tapestry was in there for a while and I remember seeing a Dalek in there but what the hell that was doing there,I don,t know.

Len Smith… Freeway with Dave Shaw singing. Bonitas gig was 1971.

Ian Plater… Is that the same john kingdom, that had J K’s burger world in Eastbourne.

Tony May… Aside from the musical history side of things this picture is a rare shot of the old Hastings Pier and an attraction I was too small at the time to remember? If anyone knows more about it I would be interested to hear more. Any chance the photo owner would allow me to use it for an article in ‘Hastings Town’ perhaps?

Mick O’Dowd… This was the old Triodome that graced the Pier for a while. It was used for various events including the Zooquarium and a skating rink (can’t recall if it was ice or roller). I believe it was moved to Warrior Square Gardens after The Pier.

Jim Breeds… The Triodome was originally built to house the Hastings Tapestry to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings in 1966. It features on several postcards that I have too.

Natasha Kaschevsky… Later used for Amusements around ’76 – ’78, I used to work in there in the summer holidays

Alan Esdaile… I’m sure at one stage it was suggested that The Triodome be rehoused on the Ladies Parlour West Hill with The Tapestry.

Andy Knight… Tony, you are welcome to use it.

Tony May… Thanks for the info Jim and for the use of the photo Andy. If any of the band have any memories of playing the Pier or can give me more info please e mail it to Thanks!

Flanko Fin Barr… The Good times