Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection
and John Wilde had this to say –
moved to St Leonards in 1966 with my parents. They bought number 8 Kings Rd and turned it into a coffee bar club, we made the basement look like a cave. We called it The Happening, Tony Blackburn opened it with a disco night. It was a popular hang out for a soul crowd, we had a great jukebox, an espresso machine and pintables. We even had bands play downstairs. Does anyone remember this place? Apparently it has reopened recently as The Kave Klub. by John Wilde
Gerry Fortsch… I gigged here in 1967 several times. Far out man
Mick O’Dowd… DJ’d here many a time. Also was with Deep Purple (Hastings) when they appeared. John Wilde’s dad owned it.
Jeff Belton… Met Tony Blackburn at a gig he did in a London night club, got a request read out on the evening , and played on the radio, when he was on Radio London. It was my 21st birthday that day.
Tiffany Barton… Wonderful! What did he play for your birthday ? Thanks for the memories . 1967 supremes the happening ?
Pacman… Yes I loved “The Happening”. Went there all the time. John Wilde was a really nice guy. Very patient with some of the rowdier kids. My motorbike was very popular with the girls & was always being asked for a pillion ride. Remember the girls well. It all ended for me when I got a car & started going farther afield. Shame.
Michael Brugnoi… Brilliant place, was there every week.
Lloyd Johnson… It must have been a nice little scene what with Cyril Savages in the street as well…
Gerry Fortsch… We played a few coffee bars in the 60’s this was one of the better ones, looking back I can’t remember what I did for alcohol but I did smoke in those days man.
Helen Evans… I loved the Happening! Friends, music, laughter.
Jeanette Wilde… I’m extremely proud to have been part of it