When James Taylor and Joni Mitchell came to The Lord Nelson Hastings

supplied by Adam Daly

Adam Daly… sharing a letter from a family friend, mentioning the time back in the late 60’s that James Taylor and Joni Mitchell popped into the Nelson for a few drinks

Dave Nattress… Really!! Incredible did not know this!! Two of the world’s most wonderful musicians. Some amazing albums. Blue by Joni Mitchell a personal favourite and then Sweet Baby James by James Taylor.

Paul Gray… All the legends went to the Nellie! John Martyn and Nick Drake to name but two!

Crosby Stills Nash & Young – Wembley Stadium 1974


supplied by Gary Kinch

Gary Kinch… Just had a rummage in my drawers and found this programme. A brilliant concert from what I remember. The weather was very good. Tickets £3.50….. I’m sure each of the main acts could fill the stadium on their own. 72,000 on the day

Jim Breeds… Jealous!

Colin Norton…. It was a great concert! I absolutely agree with you! What amazing value for money too!

Gary Kinch…. There’s a nice two part docu on youtube about Graham Nash. He wrote Marrakesh Express when he was with the Hollies but they didn’t like it, it wasn’t commercial enough. So the Hollies harmonies became part of CSN&Y ….good move I say

Patrick Lewis… What a fabulous line up. Wish I had been there.