Josie Lawson R.I.P.

Alan Esdaile… I’m very sorry to announce that Josie has passed away. A lovely lady who will be sadly missed. My thoughts are with her family and friends.

Jim Breeds… Yes, I saw the post earlier today. How sad.

Kevin Burchett… Sorry to hear this R.I.P Josie.

Jan Warren… So sorry to hear this R.I.P. Josie xx

Nick Prince… Very sorry to hear this. I have got to know Josie very well over the past 25 years or so. RIP Josie. I know she listened to my Saturday night show from time to time. I will give her a little mention on this weeks show. X

Judith Monk… RIP Josie. Very well known locally. Sad.

Helen Knight… I knew jo for years we grew up together lovely lady RIP jo and thoughts are with the family xxx

Pauline Richards… Oh dear. R.I.P.

Mick O’Dowd… So sorry but not unexpected. R.I.P. Josie x

Elizabeth Turner… No more suffering Josie .Sleep well .xx

Pauline Brown… ❤️RIP

Ernest Ballard… Bless her heart. Lovely lady. RIP Josie x

Jonathan Mendenhall… I.m so sorry to hear this I knew Josie on an informal basis over the friendly and kind and of course that most wonderful smile..many people I am sure will be thinking of her family…someone who just made you feel a bit better when you met her

Susie Prescott… Sorry to hear that, I used to know her years ago and her son. Lovely lady. May she rest in peace xx

Angela Frances Gardner… I remember her face, was her son at Castledown school? RIP

Tiffany Barton… Lovely lady although I never met her

Claire Louise Maplesden… I remember seeing Josie a lot in & around the town as I used to work in Boots for 14 years. A lovely lady. Rest in Peace x

Kev Towner… I’m truly sad to hear this. Josie was active in the disability movement for many years and I had the privilege of knowing her. Rest in peace Josie.

Ronteen2001… Rest In Peace Josie….so sad to see she’s “left the building!”

Janet Brophy… I Remember Josie From School Days, Rest In Peace


Emile Ford at The Penguin Bingo Club Hastings in the 70’s.


emile 2



supplied by Josie Lawson


Sheet music 1959 and 1960 supplied by Barry French

Josie Lawson… This is my mother with Emile Ford taken by my father Edward Cecil Hibbit Lawson, when he worked in retirement at the Penguin Bingo. He was a photographer, artist and musician in 1930s but this was in the 70s. In the 30s my dad was a dance choreographer on the Hastings Pier ballroom and entered people for competitions.

Wendy Weaver… Fascinating

Josie Lawson… Miss both my parents but must admit dad was a great photographer….my dad is where I get some of my tricks of the trade from so to speak. Have myself never been professional, but I did once develop a black and white 35mm film at Stafford house near Brighton when on a sponsored adult back to education course in 1979.

Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman staybright autograph 1969 supplied by Josie Lawson

Josie Lawson… Alan Freeman’s autograph from my autograph book. I met him when he was doing a staybright session. I only had a small diary with me at the time. He signed in red biro on my date March 1969…first word Staybright.  I left school at near 16 years in 1964 and went onto work at Plummers now known as Debenhams but due to eye 👁 probs had to leave in 1966. I went into work at estate agents in George Street, but always came back that way to go home for lunch. At that time I lived in and flat in Cornwallis Gardens. I passed through outside Debenhams to go for lunch, I can only think that is where I saw him. If I remember right, staybright was used in a laundry powder TV adverts.

Dennis Torrance… His Sunday night pop charts who could not remember pop pickers he was good and did a horror film with Peter Cushion

Nick Shute… It was on the other night!…dr.terrors house of horrors….not arf!

Alan Pepper… Not arf pop pickers !! What a legend he was . Anyone else got an autograph with a interestng story to it ?

Leigh Wieland-Boys… What a coincidence Josie, I worked at Plummers & also lived in Cornwallis Gardens – circa 1971/2, then lived there again in 1977, but I didn’t meet Fluff!

Tony Davis… Leigh, the memories, the people and of course the music.

Terry Pack… I don’t have an autograph, but I do have a story. I was playing at The Marquee Club in Wardour Street with The Enid in 1976 and Alan Freeman introduced us before the gig. He was a fan of the band an he frequently played tracks from our albums on his show.

No Home Jerome… My brother in law gave me this. It was from a party in 1977 to celebrate the first 10 years. I think it was fluff that gave it to him.

Nash Sunley… My claim to fame, I delivered his news paper every morning to his penthouse flat in the 60.s

Musicman Dee… Not arf.

Jim Breeds… All I can add is that I have some cassettes of his 1970s Saturday afternoon Radio 1 shows that might or might not still play.


John Walker – White Rock Hotel, Hastings – 2005.



John Walker from The Walker Brothers with Josie Lawson. photo (1) supplied by Josie Lawson, photo (2) 1967 Ron Kroon / Anefo

Josie Lawson… Myself with John Walker taken by Laurence at The White Rock Hotel when they had their get together which I was invited to as Editor of Ebb & Flow Community Magazine.

Barry Upton… Only 8 but remember it well

Centre Page with Rev at The Yelton Hotel – early 2000

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supplied by Josie Lawson

Another great photo from Josie Lawson.  Josie’s cousin Rev was the keyboard player. I would think this is Centre Page with the much missed Dave Easton anyone confirm.

Colin Fox… Dermot playing Bass.

Peter Gladwish… Yep! ‘Centre Page’ with the incomparible Dave Easton on vocals. I was the drummer when Rev was in the band, before my time with ‘Looking Back’. Two great bands!

Josie Lawson… This photo was taken when The Entertainer mag was around as I wrote about this with my cousin and they published it. I called the poem I think “My long lost cousin”. I don’t know if copies of the mag were ever kept but unfortunately a lot of my research etc were thrown as I explained to you due to ill health.

Colin Fox… The last time I saw Rev he was having a drink at Cooden Beach Hotel. He had really long grey hair and beard.

Josie Lawson…I think that may have been before he passed which was 23rd December 2004 sad days. Last time I saw Rev my cousin he said even though I have all my disabilities to follow my heart and dreams as I could make it.He said he followed my creativity within the Mags.It was so good meeting him again after all those years.Just by chance I heard his name when the band took a break.I heard his name and knew and he realised too and so a hug was had.Would be great to have the poem again.I have many floppy discs with many of my poems but that is where they Are at the moment until I can gain access.

Anyone help Josie with copies of The Entertainer magazine?

Colin Fox… That’s correct Josie. Everyone loved him even though he some problems.

The Fabulous 6Ts from Josie Lawson


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photos by Josie Lawson 

Terry, Lol & Harry.

Josie Lawson… I took these photos of the fabulous 6Ts back before 2009 when I was up and running non profit with Ebb & Flow community magazine… I had a brain op that year, retired, changed the name to Ebb & Flow (The New Voice)…and now continue with it as a hobby like my other creative word challenges with no rush, no deadlines.The Patron, name and advice still stays with it.