Dum Dum Boys – Oasis Club Rye early 80’s



photos supplied by Barry French

Barry French, Judith Clarke, Neil Cartwright, Den Wootton and Andy.

Anyone remember the surname of the keyboard player?

Judi Clark… Found this site by accident as thought I saw Martin Stringer walking past the hairdressers in Silchester Rd yesterday, so Googled him and found that sadly he’s no longer with us. Nor Robin Heggie – another talent lost – and Steve Demetri. I believe that’s Andy Ellis on keys. We remained friends for many years but, sadly, he’s gone, too, 20 or so years ago. He suffered a brain injury from a motorcycle crash (pillion) which eventually took him some years later. Anyway, I was up to 3am absorbed by the family trees of the bands I was connected to. There was a shout out from Andy Knight on one of the posts. Don’t know how to get in touch, but maybe site admin can pass on email? I’ve been off the scene 30 years or more but it did prompt some fond memories. I’m alive and well in Bexhill. Big love to you all.

Nastassja Kashevsky… yes, it is Andy Ellis. He played keys in the Decorators with us!

Barry French… Great to hear from Judi! She did a brilliant job fronting us Dum Boys & composed some fine songs. My favourites were “The wind is crying” (Hope Ive got the title right) & a horror parody of “And then he kissed me” called “And then he bit me” So sad about Andy, he should have had long life of fun & gigging in front of him.


RITZ various & The Crown review.

Martin Stringer, Marytn Baker, Paul Guimbeau, Paul Dengate, Judith Clarke & Andy Knight.


Paul Dengate photo



1996 review  -supplied by Phil Little. Music Files.

Phil Gill… I sort of vaguely remember this gig.

John Laidlaw… You stood in for me, Phil? I thought I’d remember that… if only because I’d have been worried they wouldn’t want me back after.

Phil Gill… You’re very kind, but you needn’t have worried. I have a low mandolin threshold.

Peter Bridger… I was at that gig. Still have the cassette I bought – but nothing to play it on!