Teenbeats ELO photos by Dave Trodd

all photos © Dave Trodd

Dave Blackman, Ken Copsey, Paul Thomas, Huggy Leaver, Eddie Mays

what was the story behind the ELO gear?

Ken Copsey… Huggy had auditioned to join them. The rest of the band were hoping to be employed as road crew.! Must have been gear hanging around at Park Gates. I bought my lovely white shoes in Canada so this would have been around August 1980 when we returned and just before our last gig on Hastings Pier

John Gale… Great photos. Not seen these before .

Elizabeth Turner… So young

Paul Mac Macnamara… John, great to see. Haven’t seen this before for sure.

Fred Marsh… Just had there single cover enlarged and framed, looks great

Dave Nattress… Great photo’s and the guys all looking so young and fresh-faced and portraying the new-Mod image.



Teenbeats early photo – Parkgate Studios?

photo © Dave Trodd

Huggy Leaver, Ken Copsey, Eddie Mays, Paul Thomas and Dave Blackman

Paul Thomas… I haven’t seen that picture before but I think it may have been taken at Parkgate studios early 1980?

John Gale… never seen that one before 👏. Great photo

Pete Houghton… Great picture

Terry Pack… Looks like Park Gates.

Renzi Lowend… Isaac… is it?

Pete Brazier… Hope Paul is well ? Haven’t seen him since way back (used to be in the same class at the Grove!)

Alan Esdaile… bumped into Paul a few times lately Pete and seems to be doing fine. Don’t know what his secret is but he doesn’t seem to age!

The Teenbeats photo shoot – Hastings Pier May 1979

Supplied by Ken Copsey via Ray Fenwick

Ken Copsey… 40 years ago! Colour outake from our single cover shoot Hastings Pier. Many thanks to Ray Fenwick for sending these to me.

Colin Jefferys… Blimey blast from the past …. was this just before you buggered off to Canada ( can’t help myself) did quite well over there I recall. I could of come with you but I had to pay my own air fare and at 17 did not have that kind of cash. Loved hanging round with you guys though. Thanks for the memories though

Tony Court-holmes… rock on Huggy

Teenbeats – 1979


supplied by: Teenbeats facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Teenbeats-193261605554/?fref=ts

Huggy Leaver, Paul Thomas, Eddie Mays, Dave Blackman, Ken Copsey. 

Pauline Sims….Nice photo – all looking very serious!

Pete Fairless….All looking very young!

Ken Copsey… I think you’ll find it is not the real Eddie Mays in this picture but a ventriloquists dummy being operated by Dave! This was taken at the offices of The Hastings Observer.

Teenbeats – more classic photos

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supplied by Ken Copsey/Teenbeats Facebook Page

Paul Thomas, Eddy Mays, Ken Copsey, Huggy Leaver, Dave Blackman.

John Wilde….Hastings most stylish band.

Perri Ann Haste….A very Young Dave Blackman R.I.P. x

Terry Pack….I liked Dave very much. It was a terrible shock when he died so young.

Andy Qunta….Lovely fella!

Pete Prescott….and a really good singer ! had a way of drawing people in.great loss.wish i had known him more.

Philip Meston…..I knew Huggy when I was at Hastings College – way before he became an actor…Not forgetting the Plastix!

Ralph Town….My old school chum Paul Thomas  I think I taught him his first chords.Last time I saw him he told me he,d stopped playing due to nickel allergy.Hope he,s tried stainless strings now