Bo’ville poster – early 90’s

supplied by John Winch

John Winch… Bo’ville poster about 91-92. Members – J.Winch, Kenny Comfort, Kevin Watson. The curly haired guitarist was a temporary person called Mark Wright.

David Betts… Hi Johnny, are you still playing? Remember the Sidley new Inn folk club, you and Brian Golbey, those were the days.

Martin Stringer… Crikey Johnny Winch. Hello mate, how are ya.

John Winch… Hi Dave, yes I remember Sidley folk club well – super gig. Made a lot of new friends back then. Martin Stringer, you old hairdresser and song writer you. I remember you turning up to an Andy Bannister’s 4 A.M. gig in Nuremberg without your teeth once – lot of street cred’ that. Good to hear your still around. We all belong to the ‘good ol’ boys’ now – never thought about this back then. Yes, truly good fun days and masses of Hastings music. What happened to Jeff the mandolin player from the ‘Wobbly Hellbellies’ or whatever the band was called? Thay had a radio hit didn’t they once? Remember you all doing a great set in the Jenny Lind but sadly a very thin audience.

Martin Stringer… Hi John. Great to hear from you. Still going strong. I was never a hairdresser old mate. I don’t play anymore. I perform as a Mentalist across Europe not now of course Corona stopped all that. Yes Jeff is still around. The hit was “Two pints of lager and a packet of crisp please”. I mainly live in Ireland, but have other homes around Europe but can’t get to them at the moment. Hope you’re in good shape.

Alan King… what was Mark Wright when he wasn’t being ‘a temporary person’ ? bit like an occasional table

John Winch… Mark Wright ( certainly not a temporary person – sorry about that) was a good friend of mine, a fine maker of teeth, and a very fine guitarist. Mark was also a great friend of Jack Peach the well known jazz drummer who played with different bands in places such as the Palace Bars during the 80s and 90s. I also met and played with Jack on a few occasions and believe he also played with some very famous jazz personalities during his carreer. Jack’s son, a fine bassist, was a member of Ian Dury’s band at some time or other.

John Winch… Hi Martin. Also good to hear you are still here and busy by the sounds of it. Sorry about accusing you of once being a hairdresser – no idea where I got that from. Maybe we’d had a few beers when that was mentioned or, maybe it wasn’t mentioned at all but we’d still had a few beers.

The Saddle Tramps – Ore Social Club Hastings early 60’s photo by Anthony ‘Nan’ Morland

Melvin Grant, Kenny Comfort and Pete Bailey.

photo © Anthony ‘Nan’ Morland

Matt Thomas… Is this Grove Road Alan?

Alan Esdaile… I thought it was Grove Road when I saw it at The SMART meeting but 2 people said it was Ore Centre.

Kev Towner… that’s definitely The Ore Centre

Stuart Moir… Great name for a country rock band, I wish we’d thought of that one

Lloyd Johnson… Ore Youth Club. Stuart, The photo is the days of Duane Eddy ,Rebel Rouser,The Shadows ,Apache, The Ventures ,Walk Don’t Run and Bonanza on Telly….

Claire Triance… Went to a disco there next to old b and q and now aldi ??

Sandie Carlyon… I live next door to Mel


The Saddle Tramps – Ore Social Youth Club 1960/1961

supplied by Hastings Groups from 1958 to the present.
Kenny Comfort, Pete Bailey and Melvin Grant. Picture taken at Ore Social Youth Club about 1960/61

John Wilde… These guys look totaly cool!

Dave Nattress… They sure do John – wonderful pictures.

Harry Randall… HaHa! Pete (Gossimor) Bailey still got his Strat under his bed!

The Humperdinks reunion 1991 – Falaise Hall


supplied by Peter Millington

Peter Millington… The great Russell Field some time in the naughty nineties, (1991) playing with the Humperdinks at Falaise Hall – Ore Social Youth Club reunion. Sorry Russell, such a great picture of you giggling I just had to post it…..


10549240_835327466500382_2724219642973344039_o 10582855_835327569833705_1890402146508893974_o

supplied by Peter Millington

Peter Millington…  photo 2 Henry Harvey RIP doing his thing with The Humperdinks at the Ore Social Youth Club Reunion in 1991 at the Falaise Hall – Kenny Comfort and Russell Field nearly in shot. … photo 3 Johnny Kingdon fronting The Humperdinks at the Ore Social Youth Club Reunion in 1991 at the Falaise Hall. Colin Tapp concentrating on his bass playing technique – “Rock on Sid”…. photo 4 Kenny Comfort with The Humperdinks at the Ore Social Youth Club Reunion in 1991 at the Falaise Hall



Gerry and The Pacemakers, The Humperdinks and Paul Burton & Chris Sayer in? – Hastings Pier 1993

Gerry-4 1993

Humperdinks - Hastinge Pier 1993

Chris and Paul - Hastings Pier 1993

all photos & information supplied by Peter Millington

Gerry & The Pacemakers – Hastings Pier 1993. Not sure of correct date but fund raising gig for RNLI. Support for Gerry & The Pacemakers were The Humperdinks showing John Kingdon & Kenny Comfort. Also on the bill the second support act featured Paul Burton and Chris Sayer RIP and guest singer? Anyone know who and the name of the band?

Andre Martin……Great Act to work with, he was so not ” I am Big Star – look at me ” just a great Liverpudlian Guy, a real pleasure to be with him.

Karen Sweatman was Blackman…..Saw them at the De La Warr around the same time. Centre Page were supporting.

Madeline Joyce Morton…..Was it Spyke

Peter Millington…..No it wasn’t Spyke Madeline Joyce Morton I played in Spyke for as long as they lasted. Both Chris and Paul were in Spyke although Paul left the trio in 1968. Chris and I continued on for a couple of years and were then joined first by Terry Chedzoy (Drums/Vocals) and then Ian Williams (Guitar/Vocals). That was the hey-day and included a 3 times a week residency at the Alexandra Hotel. Chris Sayer left Spyke in 1973 and the group continued on until 1974 when Rod Trowell joined (from King Rod and Co). They then changed their name to JINKS and we are still playing today although there have been a couple of arrivals/departures.

Madeline Joyce Morton……Those were the days at the Alexandra . Yes Jinks I knew there was another name and it just would not come to me. Must be old age.

Colin Fox……In the first photo, is that Juan Sheet on the right?

John Kingdon….No Trevour Notton a Maidstone based singer.

Alan Esdaile…..When they came up with the name of the band Pacemakers, it meant something completely different to what we think of now.