Tony May….While we are on the subject of D.J’s in situ, here’s a pic of me D.J’ing at ‘Speakeasy’ along Kings Rd from around 1982. How things have changed these days! No, mics for D.J’s, no record decks – no records!

Pete Fairless….The DJ played a lot of ABC and Spandau Ballet, as I recall
Tony Court-holmes….i remember humping gear up into some strange places you had gigs

all photos supplied by Tony May

Advert 1981
Tony May…..Yes, wonderful days – I was busy busy busy then most of it concerning a search for RECORDS – HA HA.
Matt Thomas…..HAIR!!!!!!!! LOL
Leigh Wieland-Boys…..we always used to wait for the first person to get up on the dance floor…..so that was you, was it?! Unfortunately I can’t seem to enlarge this photo so can’t see them very well. I worked various pubs & clubs, glass collector at Aquarius 1971-1972 – Cocktail waitress at Saturdays 1975-1976, Cinque Ports 1976-1979, also Scallis during that time (as well as a full time job)
Tony May…..Thanks guys! Yes, Leigh – I was always one of the first to ‘get on up and get down’ HA HA
Pete Fairless…..It was a great little club, spent quite a bit of time there, early ’80s…
Paul Bryant… I particularly liked the cinema section they had there,always showing a dodgy horror movie. Sure it was Colin Russell djing down there but my memory isn’t as good as it used to be,plus it was a long time ago
Jeff Belton… Reminds me when I did my second disco. In a place called Marlow House, Sidcup, Kent. Had their own set up, two decks, and a lighting control. All I had to take was my records , headphones, mic. This was in the late 1983.
Notice the pop group on the poster, The Thompson Twins or is it Imagination ?
After 1983 I carried on doing discos for 21 years , 2004. Those were the days lol.
Pete Fairless… That’s Imagination, Jeff
Paul Bryant… Sorry it’s actually Shalimar.
Terry Hardwick… I was the DJ Speakeasy Colin Russell worked with me . This is where I met Tony.
Tony Court-holmes… was big willie the bouncer there