Claire Kelly-Triance… Used to have go go dancers, loved it .
John Wilde… The legend that is Joe Rytlewski
Phil Gill… I was there. The only time I got thrown out of a club and barred. There was an altercation, I tried to stop it and got thrown out. To be fair, my behaviour hadn’t been exactly perfect on other Thursday nights in the club, so it it was probably karma.
Terry Pack… There’s a slight chance that I was on this gig. I left the band at exactly this time.
All photos supplied by Linda Boiling
Simon Falla, Linda Charman (Boiling) and Mike Kasey
John Baker… I used to run Disco Trax mobile with Mike. Are you still out there Mike?
James Turner… Simon was the manager I believe and I was on the door in my dickie bow and tails.
David Edwards… Where was Lazybones?
James Turner… David, under the Queens Hotel
Simon Falla… Yes it’s me……the ‘after parties’ at Lazybones were ‘emotional’ affairs that usually lasted until sunrise. Clearly me in my more relaxed state! Great memories. (Dave: Lazybones was under Queens Hotel Hastings seafront)