More dj’s that appeared at Lazybones Hastings. in the 70’s

all supplied by Linda Boiling

Linda Boiling… first photo is Peter Boiling (Peter Craig) he was sometimes known as but he was Demon Disco who he ran with Nick (Sbyke) Biker. The second photo is of Mick Oxbury (in the pink shirt) can’t remember his stage name and ? and was taken at Derritron which used to be on the site before Sainsburys was built.

Julian Deeprose… Pretty sure the other guy in the pic is John Austin. Used to play Bar Billiards with him in The Bulverhythe

Linda Boiling… just found out from Micks partner in crime Jim Hobbs (James Casner) that Micks stage name was Mick Damon.

Claire Triance… Remember Lazybones used to have a go go dancer 76 77 was underage but we got in ok

Jane Hartley… Mick and I were always asked if we were brother and sister, in the end we used to say we were!

Kevin Burchett… Mick Damon had a spell in Scalliwags to

Linda Boiling… Peter also did a few gigs at Scalliwags too



Lazybones Disco Hastings photos 1977 supplied by Linda Boiling

All photos supplied by Linda Boiling

Simon Falla, Linda Charman (Boiling) and Mike Kasey

John Baker… I used to run Disco Trax mobile with Mike. Are you still out there Mike?

James Turner… Simon was the manager I believe and I was on the door in my dickie bow and tails.

David Edwards… Where was Lazybones?

James Turner… David, under the Queens Hotel

Simon Falla… Yes it’s me……the ‘after parties’ at Lazybones were ‘emotional’ affairs that usually lasted until sunrise. Clearly me in my more relaxed state! Great memories. (Dave: Lazybones was under Queens Hotel Hastings seafront)