Magna Carta – White Rock Pavilion 15th October 1971, cancelled?


Jim Breeds… My recollection is that I was going to see Magna Carta at the pavilion but they cancelled?? May be a false memory or may be a different date.

Alan Esdaile…  Might be right Jim. This is an old cutting I found among my bits and pieces and a band I have long forgotten about. Checking their website it lists this gig but does not mean they played it. Anyone here confirm?

Colin Bell… Jim…I had a provisional booking to compere a gig for MC in October 71 at WR but this was not confirmed and I have no memory of doing it, so they either didn’t play or did play and got someone else to compere!…..

Pete Fairless… That gig is listed on Marmalade Skies, too. Can’t help beyond that, I’m afraid. I was too young in ’71…

Sarah Harvey…. Well here is the advert for the White Rock Pavilion for that week from the Observer but can’t find anything about them not appearing.


supplied by Sarah Harvey

Alan Wood… Wish I’d seen film for Australian migrants on Thursday,could be sitting on bondi beach now !!!!

Mark Gilham… I once had a Magna Carta album with a load of apples on the sleeve. Does anyone know the name of it?

Philip Meston…I’ve still got Seasons on vinyl! Great album & what a voice!

Chris Sambrook… Yes the memory can play tricks. I seem to remember seeing them at Hastings College, gods knows when.

Jim Breeds… At last a clipping featuring a production that I performed in!! Scout Show ’71! Yay! I was in a couple of acting scenes and the chorus. lol. It’s Interesting what Colin says.

Sarah Harvey…Jim, when all the old bands and artists get together for a reunion, I hope you will be contributing with ‘Ging gang goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha, Ging gang goo, ging gang goo. ‘ 🙂