Fat Tuesday 2017 – 24th to 28th Feb 2017 – Dodgy to headline



more info… http://www.hastingsfattuesday.co.uk

Darren Johnson… Hastings Fat Tuesday 2017 – tips, reflections, advice??  Hi there. I’ve been commissioned to write an article previewing the Fat Tuesday weekend and I’d like to include any tips and advice for anyone trying it out for the first time. As a relative newcomer to Hastings it will be my first experience as well but I’d love to hear from any seasoned regulars about any highlights/lowlights from previous years, what to look out for, best venues, acts you are looking forward to and any other advice you’ve got for someone going for the first time.


Latest information… http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=a0f5e6cb509e54c8ea04c6c1e&id=c9cb9bc7cc&e=df679378c4

Barry Upton… Great live bands