Masons Music 190 Queens Road Hastings advertising feature 1985

Will Cornell… Weren’t you on GROVE Rd when I met you in 1990? So you went through that “larger premises” lease on “Queen’s Rd” pretty quickly, huh?

Alan Esdaile… Will, Yes we did move to Grove Road. Was in Queens Road for quite a while, first at 187 and then 190 Queens Road.

Hastings Records Shops by Tony May for Hastings Town Magazine

As regular readers will know, I have a very soft spot for all things musical and have written a number of articles for H.T. about local record shops and characters associated with them.

Well, I’m delighted to inform you this month that a new website called ‘The British Record Shop Archive’ has been set up by another such enthusiast, Leon Parker.

The aim of the website is not just to record for posterity the name of every record shop to ever open its doors in the U.K. but to also make sure that the social interaction, culture and day-to-day way of life that was buying a physical music product from a real person over a counter is documented and remembered.

Having been in more record shops than Sir Richard Branson over the years I have been having a whale of a time contributing photos, memories and memorabilia to the site and you will be glad to know, have personally made sure that Jack & Sonia London’s ‘The Record Shop’ webpage has been royally decked out and the part they played here in Hastings for 44 years properly recorded.



In fact, Hastings Town has played quite a large part in helping me to see that Hastings record outlets are not forgotten. As well as my article on Jack London, I have contributed my article ‘Remembering Alan Jensen’ about the man we knew and loved as ‘Big Al’ of The Disc Jockey and submitted the photos our sadly missed friend, Ron Fellows, sent me of Stylus Records.

Being a true ‘anorak’ I also sent in photos of a few old local record shop bags I found stored away in the loft as well.

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Its sobering to think now that at the height of the popularity of vinyl records in the 1980’s there used to be thousands of independent record shops in the U.K. In 2009 that figure had dropped to just 269 (according to The Independent newspaper).

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Justin and Diane – Masons Music Queens Road Hastings

supplied by Anthony ‘Nan’ Morland

Matt Thomas… My old manager Justin in Masons Music shop alongside former colleague Diane. where am I?

Alan Esdaile… hopefully serving someone but probably chatting up the girls!

Diane Patricia… OMG, now that’s an old photo!! I don’t think there can be too many of me then – fabulous times

Paul Salfarlie… Fantastic shop, even if you just came to brouse yiu were welcomed

Masons Music – early 80’s 187 Queens Road, with Bill Prince.


Alan Pepper…..I’ll have one from the top and five from anywhere else please Bill !!

Will Cornell…..Marley “Legend” up top…video…or did ya’ll have CD Longboxes over there? The first few years of CDs had those for security purposes (hard to stuff into your pocket). Yes, ’84 or later. Curious: what’s “staff only”? The pile of stuff employees promised to buy when the next paycheck came in? My own store’s “wish bin” looked similarly loaded.

Matt Thomas……that is actually the sign above the door to the back room – well camouflaged lo. Smiths ‘How Soon Is Now’ in the charts, 1985 – just had a closer look and King ‘Love & Pride’ is in the chart and Stephen TinTin Duffy ‘Kiss Me’



Record order receipt from Masons Music 187 Queens Road Hastings.

Supplied by Phil Gill

Phil Gill… Found this today…is it in yet Alan?

Matt Thomas… Sorry discontinued

Jim Breeds… It was ordered twice by mistake.

Phil Gill… Jim, Great, a double album

Kev Towner… Were you in two minds about it Phil.

Alan Esdaile… and I thought 187 was more a punk/mod shop!

Radio Caroline Badges from Kevin Carlyon

Kevin Carlyon says… The Ross’s Revenge. Back in the 70’s I used to illegally run Caroline Badges where I supplied badges, at their request, to the Caroline Roadshow, where I supplied them free. I had hassle from the authorities but always got around it!! Would you like a FREE Radio Caroline badge? My favourite is the small top right small one with a photo supplied by Julie Lewis, aka Johnny Lewis other half. For your badge or two ( selected at random – not a choice) send a 2nd Class Larrge stamp or two IRC’s to Kevin Carlyon, 22B Dane Road, St Leonard’s on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 0QW, UK. What many people don’t realise that when I supplied badges to The Caroline Roadshow back in the 70’s Alan used to make them at his shop, Mason’s Music on Hastings Pier (When it used to have real shops on and a small tv studio for Meridian TV. I did several interviews for STV among others). Ask Alan about the smoke bomb in his ash tray!!!

Margaret Capps… Omg i went out and delivered bread egg bacon cannot remember the year but we went out on a fishing boat

Louise Burt… I’ve still got the badges you posted to me Kev still

Paul Simmonite… Is this offer still current?

Julie Findlay-jones… I remember the badge machine great fun,

Steve Thorpe… Remember the shop and did have a Caroline badge!

Masons Music – est 3rd April 1978, closed 4th November 2016

mm mm1 mm2

mm3 mm4 mm5

Hastings Pier, 187 Queens Road, 190 Queens Road, Grove Road Ore, Ponswood Ind Estate St Leonards.

Alan Esdaile… Now time for me to get a proper job.

Matt Thomas… I drove past earlier – something drew me to the place today.Sorry it’s come to this. End of an era as Masons Music closes it doors for the last time today, up until last year I had spent nearly 30 years at the place so very sad for me to hear today.

Chris Coleman… That must be a record

Jim Breeds… Really? Gosh. Best wishes for the next venture!

Colin Norton… Sorry to hear this, Alan! Hope that everything works out for you!

Tony May… Oh what a year this has been for you and for me. So sorry to hear this but not surprised in the current climate. If you can please pass on my condolences to all who have lost their jobs today. I may have left a long while ago but part of me shall always belong to Masons Music and the legacy that its existence played in what we all used to recognise as the music industry. Best wishes to you Alan – I will be in touch soon.

Jo Turner… Sorry to hear that

Virginia Davis… Good luck in your next venture

Diane Barton… Have the best memories 🙂 Fun times xxx

Ian Mantel… Every week on pay day in early 80’s I bought records.

Simon Payne… Masons Music played an important part in many of our Hastings lives. Sad to hear of it closing it’s doors today. Sad news Alan, I wasn’t with you long but still remember it fondly. Good luck for the future.

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