supplied by Mick O’Dowd
Mick O’Dowd… This is the Reception for Beez Neez in 1977 with one of the first line-ups containing the late Andy Leaney and Barry Upton. Lead singer Geoff Stevens and girls Julie Harris & Mandy Etherington.
Julie Findlay-Jones… hahaha car park 10p
Joaquim M P Filho… Is Barry Upton the same one who played with Brotherhood of Man?
Mick O’Dowd… Not as far as i’m aware. Over to you Barry Upton!
Barry Upton… I wish. On another note , why did they stop playing as a group ?
Mark Harris… I honestly can’t remember when we stopped playing, as for why, I think it was because we were all very young and struggled with commitment. Once Beez Neez finished, Split Image formed with some ex-Neez members, not me to start with, I left Neez because I had become self employed and was too busy. However, after a couple of years or so, I was approached to join Split Image as bass player (which was different because I was drummer in The Neez), which I did. At that time, I think the line up was Dave Miller, Steve Russell, Tony Dufton, Mick (drummer) and me. Being honest, between The Neez and Split Image, there were quite a few line up changes so it’s difficult to remember what happened and when!!
Dawn Leaney… Andy Leaney was my husband… but this is way before we were married. He often talked bout The Bees knees So nice to read this.
Kevin Burchett… My sister had them for her 21st birthday at Netherfield Village Hall many moons ago