MIN talking about women drivers in 1990

Sandie Carlyon… Remember Min well. He truly was a one off.

Mick Burt… Min was a legend

Elizabeth Turner… Loved Minn bless him.Good fun.xx

Tereza Goacher… Tried to get done for being drunk on a skateboard

Julian Deeprose… We will never see his like again. What a character. Much missed

Liane Carroll… Darling Min!

Heather Sidery… Beautiful guy

Sue Strong… I was only thinking about him the other day

Toker Tokin… I still have his digital delay .he used to use. RIP

John Busbridge… Never wore shoes I seem to remember?

Bernard Goffredo… I remember us coming back from a gig one night when his van overheated in the middle of nowhere. He opened the bonett and in the steam and lights he loomed up looking like the devil.

John Williams… We had a gig at London docklands and Min went missing, Found him sleeping on a bench, got back to the venue. Stuck his sax in his mouth and he played a blinder lol nice man

Mike Waghorne… I remember Min from the early 70’s always had that grin on his face , always friendly.

Jim Penfold… And cooking sausages on the engine of our bus on the way to a gig!

Paul Cullen… Min, one of Hastings great characters. Always a smile.

Tim Moose Bruce… 1986. Mate’s band doing a gig in the Pig In Paradise. Min walked in with sax and just joined in for the rest of the night. Was brilliant.

Bernard Goffredo… Tim, yes he did that a lot

Mick Knights… The only career deckchair attendant I ever knew!

Sparrow Baker… actually, he did work on the hovercrafts on Hastings beach. That could have been a reason for why they stopped ?

Stuart Rockett… Probably apocryphal, but Min was supposedly arrested for attempting to cut through the hose-pipe of a fire tender at Battle Bonfire night, because he had taken his son to the event and had arrived late, and didn’t want his son to be disappointed by not seeing the bonfire. Lovely chap.

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Dubious Connections – 1979 photo by Chris Meachen

1385864_10201636236861973_1460437997_nphoto by Chris Meachen

Mick Mepham…..Farid Seddiki (hope it’s the right spelling) on drums but don’t know anyone else except Min.

Martin Blackman….I think it’s an old friend of mine called Alamo Leal, a Brazilian guy who used to live in Hastings in the 70’s good blues player now back living in Brazil

John Wilde….Yep Martin it is in fact Alamo Leal. Spoke with him last week. He is doing very well and playing constanly.

Glenn Piper….Wow, thanks for clearing that up for me John.

Alamo Leal….My first ever band in Hastings, 1979. We called Dubious Connections, and the name was spot on. We were quite a mixed connection. Freddie(from Marroco) on drums; Min on sax; we had Paul”The Viscount” Gumble on guitar there on the right , and Big Roy, behind Min, on bass. If I’m not mistaken, this one was taken at the Etchingham Arms, when we supported Tiche’s band, The Roaring 80’s. We were doing some straight Chuck Berry and Chicago Blues stuff. Love it ! It was the night Jeff Beck turned up, cause he lived nr by the Pub, and after the gig we took him to Tiche’s party at the small cottage in the Fairlight Green wher he lived with Judy, maybe her birthday or something like that.  John Wilde was there with us. He’s got some funny memories from that night.

Andy Qunta… I miss Min!

Tony Qunta… Yes Min was a one off!

Min – Hastings Beach Concert with John Martyn 1991


jm 7

jm 9

photos © Eddie Hazell Estate . .

Andy Qunta….Worth repeating myself I think – a unique character & great musician. Great photo!

Mick Knights….I remember one hot summer’s day, when he walked into the back bar of the Nellie wearing only a very small pair of swimming trunks and that tatty shoulder bag, the fishermen soon removed said trunks and thru them into the middle of the Bourne, where the shoulder bag proved useful in retrieving them!!!!

John Wilde…. was in a sauna with Min, he stunk of garlic and sweat and cider, he brought a potato with him to cook on the furnace, naturaly he upset a few patrons. Bless him.

Mick O’Dowd….Wot a great character he was!

Pete Fairless….Very nice guy, always had time to chat with (what must have been) a bunch of annoying teenagers. He made such beautiful sounds come out of that convoluted piece of tubing, too!

Alan Esdaile….I can remember a time on Hastings Pier, when someone came running up and said Min’s cut himself and bleeding badly. Myself and Paul Casson went searching for him by following the trail of blood! Eventually found him in a deck chair outside the ballroom laughing and oblivious to all the fuss. We got an ambulance down and he was taken into casualty. I saw him a few days later and he couldn’t remember anything about it.

Mick Knights….Another thing was the number of badges he wore around the late seventies, I remember one particulary small one which you had to get really close to to read said, you are cordially invited to go screw yourself, which gave him a lot of pleasure when ever he caught some one with it.

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6Ts with Min joining in!

supplied by Lol Cooksey. Hastings & St Leonards Angling Club 1993.

Josie Lawson… Who is Min?

Chris Baker… The late, great, Simon P. Medhurst! Brilliant Sax and Clarinet player, Silversmith, Electronics Whizz and all round hippy!

Alan Esdaile… well known Sax player who had the habit of turning up and just joining in! Sadly no longer with us.

Sandie Carlyon… Loved Min.

Terry Harr… Min and his skate board with a bin liner catching the wind on the Prom

Paul Smith… He was also a member of splodgenessabounds when i was their roadie

Neil Cartwright… Min played with us on numerous occasions. Seemed a very sweet guy.

Victoria Diaz-Fernandez… Met him once – Marcus knew him, I think

Nastassja Kaschevsky… Remember Min and his skateboard!


Jim Penfold & The Hollywood Killers – TV Photo at The Box 1978

A great picture from Jim Penfold & The Hollywood Killers from the website


I remember doing some dates with them including Guildford Civic Hall. Should have been chart stars ‘The Arrows’ headlining but they cancelled and were replaced by new boy band ‘Stevenson’s Rocket’.

Jim wrote: “Great memory!! Yes I remember it well…..




Jim Penfold…..The tv photo was taken at the Box in 1978…..we (the Hollywood Killers) are all posing behind a TV set with no screen! Me, Neil ‘Chilli Willi’ Aplin,Berni Schmirnoff, Alexander Moylegrove lll and Pete Poodle…..we first rehearsed and recorded demos Goodbye Suicide….here’s the original 7″ single remastered

Yvonne Cleland…. Min x

Chris Baker…Min… Simon P Medhurst! Lovely bloke, excellent musician. Genius gold and silversmith, wonderfully creative electronics engineer. Much missed.

Yvonne Cleland…. Quite hard being in a band with him though. He’d often turn up 2 hours late or not at all, depending on what he was doing at the time and who with! 😀 Enjoyed playing with him and had fantastic fun making weird and wonderful sounds. Happy days.

Conan Howard… Bernie you look so young there. Conan (Len)…Samisen

Bernard Goffredo… I loved Min knew him since I was fourteen and me and Pete Fisher would go and jam at his country cottage. Playing with him in the Hollywood Killers was fun but challenging as you never knew what he would do especially when he would use his homemade electronics on his miked up sax.

Pete Fisher… I’ve been trying to remember where and when that was Bernard – your memory’s better than mine in this case! I remembered spending a weekend at a country cottage and as well as jamming, attempting to record something. I seem to remember us being upstairs while Min was downstairs manning the tape deck. There were no headphones as I recall and Min had rigged up a monitor speaker that he also used as a foldback to talk to us. I don’t think anything came of it due to technical challenges…

Meaux Meaux Polymorphous… Very fond memories of Min! Is that Robin Heggie?

Bernard Goffredo… Yes that’s Robin

Geoff Peckham… Min’s cottage was at the top of a field near Rolvenden. I used to spend weekends with him there during the winter of ’69/’70. We played a lot of ‘free jazz’, indulged in Bob Luck cider and others and planned to form a band. We did actually do a handful of gigs, but they were rather loose affairs! I really liked Min. After a quite ‘closed’ upbringing, meeting him when I was 17 really opened my eyes/mind!

Tony Qunta… Great character! I remember some very long free jams at Min’s place. One which Min recorded had at the time we were playing seemed to sound the best thing I had ever heard! Listening back a few days later with ‘things back to normal’ 😁 it didn’t sound anything like we remembered it!

Geoff Peckham… Tony, are you referring to those jams we had during all night gatherings at Vaughan’s place in Burwash? I remember Min recording some. Would love to hear them now but, as you say, I’m sure they’re not as thrilling as they were at the time!

Hutch Hutchings – Feels Like Rain LP – 1977

hutch hutch-2

Jan Warren… sorting through my records I came across this album Tony Qunta played several instruments, can anyone enlighten me??

Ernest Ballard… That was Charlie Hutchinson. Guitarist songwriter. He was married to the sister of Tony Brooks wife Tony ran Dragon Studios in Hastings. Tragically Hutch was killed in a a car crash in Hastings shortly after the album was recorded. He was a lovely guy. Steve D and Min have sadly passed away too X

Jan Warren… I also remember “Min”, he was a musician who lived in Hastings Old Town in the early 70s, he was lovely, sweet hippy – our friend.

Ernest Ballard… He played sax. Yes a great character.

Phil Gill… Well, I’m on it. What sort of info would you like?

Tony May… This is a very emotive subject for me as ‘Feels Like Rain’ is probably the record I remember most from my days at Stylus Records in Castle St. We had quite a few copies in stock and I always remember Nelson De Souza ( the boss) telling me he had taken them on ‘sale or return’ but that the artist had subsequently died and he could not do anything about returning those we had not sold. Sadly, I have never heard the album. If any of you here can remember anything more about Hutch or the recording of this record I would love to hear it. Thanks Jan for posting this!

John Williams… Min played in our band PLC yes he was nice.

Pete Prescott… I had a copy of the album but lent it to someone years ago and never had it returned. Min was a lovely guy, his funeral was unforgettable. So many amazing stories. Hilarious in places. He took a photo of me staggering along the sea front on the half marathon. Then when he saw me out months later he ran home to get it. I still have it with his inscription on the back.
The album was worth some money abroad at one time I believe. There are some good local legends in it. Now ! Who did I lend it to?

Roland Clarke… Min was a great character, always stopped to have a chat if I saw him in the street. I knew Charlie back in the day. He used to hang around the studio from time to time. He wrote and did this album before he was 25. I remember him giving me a copy on lp, however, I unfortunately lost my copy in a flat move. Charlie was about 6 years older than me but was tragically killed as a passenger in a car accident returning from a pool match. He was sitting in the back but the car hit a tree driving down London road in St Leonard’s, he was only 25 I believe.

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Expedient Marching Band – Min, Jim & Derek


supplied by Jeannette Wilde via Hastings groups from 1958 to the present.

Expedient Marching Band with Min, Jim Pierce & Derek Sinden.

Philip Meston…..Remember them well, haven’t seen them for a while!

Yvonne Cleland….Doesn’t Min look fine!  Bless him. x

Geoff Peckham…..I wonder when this was taken. Min took me to some of the Bonfire Boys processions (Mayfield, Crowborough etc) around 1970. I walked alongside them carrying our refreshment – flagons of Bob Luck cider. Great fun!

John Wilde…..What a great photo. A copy of which I have on my studio wall. The very Min in his finery and the great Derek Sinden both no longer with us, now kicking up a storm on the other side

Phil Thornton….a great Min shot ! hope he is jamming with Mooney and Jimi right now

Hollywood Killers – Earlydaze 1978


supplied by Jim Penfold

Jim Penfold… Earlydaze’ …..7 track album (inc Goodbye Suicide) by Jim Penfold & The Hollywood Killers . Early recordings from 1978. Available to download on ITunes/cdbaby/amazon etc on Friday Sept 25th. — with Bernard Jeffery, Neil Aplin and Jim Penfold.

Mike Mitchell… Is that Robin Heggy on bass?

Alan Esdaile… Not sure Mike, anyone confirm? Good photo of Min smiling and Bernard Jeffery, Neil Aplin and Jim Penfold.

Dave Nattress… Yes, definitely Robin Heggie on bass – he was in The Prisoners with myself, Mick Bridgeland on Drums and Andy Leaney on Guitar. He left when he was offered the Killers gig.

Dave Nattress… Meant to say about Robin, nice guy and a great solid bass player for one (back then) so young.