The Jukes – Prom In Aid Queens Hotel 31st May 1986




photos by Neil Cartwright.

THE JUKES – Andy Knight, Andy B, and Phil Gill.

Here’s Ken Dengate modelling the t shirt….


ken tshirt

Joe Knight… Wow Andy Knight (top photo)

Phil Gill… I still have that T shirt in my drawer. The mullet is long gone, thankfully…

Mick Mepham… I still have mine too Phil but it doesn’t fit any more!!! I’m just a victim of inflation


Ritz – Black Horse Music Festival – 26th to 29th May 1995




photos & poster supplied by Pete Prescott

RITZ, with John Laidlaw, Neil Cartwright, Martin Stringer,  Andy Knight(Drums) &  Paul Dengate.

John Laidlaw….Eeek!

Paul Dengate… Just thinking, Neil and Andy and I played with two bands that weekend – Chaser and Ritz. Then realised that Garry Blakeley probably played with nearly everyone on the Saturday!

John Beeching… I don’t think he left the stage all day, should have been sponsored for the marathon.

Gilly Johnson… What a great festival it was!

Dum Dum Boys – Oasis Club Rye early 80’s



photos supplied by Barry French

Barry French, Judith Clarke, Neil Cartwright, Den Wootton and Andy.

Anyone remember the surname of the keyboard player?

Judi Clark… Found this site by accident as thought I saw Martin Stringer walking past the hairdressers in Silchester Rd yesterday, so Googled him and found that sadly he’s no longer with us. Nor Robin Heggie – another talent lost – and Steve Demetri. I believe that’s Andy Ellis on keys. We remained friends for many years but, sadly, he’s gone, too, 20 or so years ago. He suffered a brain injury from a motorcycle crash (pillion) which eventually took him some years later. Anyway, I was up to 3am absorbed by the family trees of the bands I was connected to. There was a shout out from Andy Knight on one of the posts. Don’t know how to get in touch, but maybe site admin can pass on email? I’ve been off the scene 30 years or more but it did prompt some fond memories. I’m alive and well in Bexhill. Big love to you all.

Nastassja Kashevsky… yes, it is Andy Ellis. He played keys in the Decorators with us!

Barry French… Great to hear from Judi! She did a brilliant job fronting us Dum Boys & composed some fine songs. My favourites were “The wind is crying” (Hope Ive got the title right) & a horror parody of “And then he kissed me” called “And then he bit me” So sad about Andy, he should have had long life of fun & gigging in front of him.


Expandis – Vines Cross Festival 6th August 1983



all photos by Neil Cartwright, ticket: Raymond Russell, poster

Chris Meachen… I’m in that crowd somewhere….

Alan Esdaile… Roger Carey in the red trousers.

Nikolai Bukharin… amazing to see this, thanks so much for posting Alan. I was at the 1983 one, have very vivid memories of The Enid set, and vague recollections of much else, music wise.

Jez Gillett Band – The Bulverhythe & Mr Cherrys New Years Eve 1987


supplied by Pete Prescott

John Laidlaw…..Yup, the Bulverhythe. Pete and I had to look serious because we were wearing dark shirts. The rest were allowed to smile.

Tim Moose Bruce…..The pub was the Bulverhythe. The band I was in at the time (The Blind Bats) supported them a couple of times there. One of the gigs if I recall, was a fundraiser for the victims of the Herald Of Free Enterprise ferry disaster. The other band that night was local band PLC


supplied by Neil Cartwright

Neil Cartwright…..New Year’s gig Dec 31st 1987 at Mr Cherry’s

Phil Gill…..Mick Burt, Jez Gillett, Neil Cartwright, John Laidlaw, Pete Prescott. Lovely boys, polite to everyone and kind to animals. You’d never hear a swear word from any of ’em

Pete Prescott…..what sweet young things ! we did a comic relief night there.we were making money by playing anything that was asked (within reason) i remember going outside during a break to work out a song or a key.must of sounded like a band falling down the stairs ! good fun !

Neil Cartwright……… including versions of ‘The Stripper’ and the ‘1812 Overture’ !!!!! I think I probably still have a recording somewhere.

John Laidlaw……Jez fired off party poppers for the cannon fire in the 1812. Pete, the song was “Layla” – someone had offered 20 quid for us to play it :).

Phil Gill….I’d have offered £40 for you to not play Layla.

Redstar Richter… where`s jez….?

Neil Cartwright… You can just see him (pink shirt) behind Pete.

Phil Gill… Is that Lou Reedlaw on guitar?

Neil Cartwright… One and the same.

Steve Thorpe… Was behind the bar!

John Laidlaw… I  like that, Phil – think I’ll start using it :D.

Peter Fairless… A bit late for me. I was definitely there for New Year 1981, though!

Tony Court-holmes… missed it living other side of the world then

Neil Cartwright.. Here’s the band with Santa Claus is coming to town…

Pete Prescott… Wow ! That brings back memories! That went fast ! John me Neil Mick and Jezz. John played great guitar in that band.

John Laidlaw… Cheque’s in the post, Pete 😀. I had to push myself hard just to keep up with you lot! 29 years ago – crikey! That was a really fun band, with such great players.

John Williams… Done a few gigs there bottom of the stairs

Mick Burt… I remember that gig. I got so shit faced I couldnt play properly (more than normal)
Never touched a drink whilst playing again. Those were the days !!!  Blah blah blah !!

John Williams… Min was always in there, what a sax player we took him to London docklands for a gig and lost him lol

Mick Burt… Wow Min Brings back more memories !!!

Ernest Ballard… You’re all so damn young. What happened ???

Pete Prescott… Are you suggesting we don’t look like that now ?!!!! Ok ok ! My wife just took me to a mirror !

Ernest Ballard… Improved with age. Like a good malt lol

Starobin… I took that photo…!

Happy to update the photo. What name did you want me to use? and did you take both photos?



Mars – featuring Mick Mepham Prom-In-Aid 1986

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photos by Neil Cartwright

Michael Mepham….Wa-heyyyyyy, pix of me that I didn’t have before!!!! Top is Paul Tanner/guitar, Next are, from left, Liane Carroll – keys, Robin Heggie – bass and yours truly – guitar. Next l to r me, Garry Blakely and Steve Cooke – violins and Robin Heggie during the finale, Hands Across The Water. Next – me, Bottom, the late, lamented Michael Bettel – drums and percussion. Lovely chap and a great drummer. Died way too young.

Michael Mepham….Mullets a-gogo! Garry and Steve stepped in to play the string parts as cellist Ian couldn’t make it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t filmed or recorded, as far as I know, as the camera ran out of film before the track. The whole audience sang the chorus and we thought that maybe they’d be able to hear it in Africa. Great gig. Also, as I remember it, the event raised £3000 in the day. Fantastic for Hastings in 1986! Ian Dobson presented most of the bands and Joe Macilvenny not only sang with Better Days but also organized most or all of it. Marvellous memories of that gig.

Liane Carroll….awww….memories!!! x

Alan Esdaile….The photo at the top looks like the mike stand is going through Paul Tanner’s stomach.

Mick Mepham…..A bit like the church lightning rod that falls off the top of the church in the Omen and transfixes the priest ……

The Mobiles – 1988-89





photos supplied by Neil Cartwright 

Anna, Russ, Chris, Neil & Garry in the background.

Neil Cartwright… I was lucky enough to play a number of ‘Showcase’ gigs with them in 1988-89. The line-up was Chris, Russ and Anna, with Garry King on drums.

Tony May…. Great pics Neil. I played ‘Drowning In Berlin’ on my ipod today and it still sounds as innovative and imaginative as ever. I really liked ‘Your Not Alone’ as well but it made no impression as a single.

Matt Thomas… Her brother Matt was my first manager at Masons Music

Garry King… Wow great to see this after all these years, good times indeed

Harry Randall… They used to rehearse out at Crowhurst